PSI - Issue 19

Théophane Vanlemmens et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 19 (2019) 610–616 Vanlemmens, Elbel, Meneghetti/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



Table 1: Comparison between PSM and test for weld extremities in terms of number of cycles

However, it should be noted that calibration of the PSM for a notch opening angle of 90° is still under investigation.

5. Conclusion

The tests done within this project have shown that the PSM seems to be a reliable alternative to R1 concept for the life assessment of welded structures. The efficiency of the method can allow the analyst to save a lot of time in the analysis. The method seems to be a little bit more pessimistic than the R1 concept, but since this seems to be systematic, this could be corrected by adjusting the PSM FAT class. However, more studies are needed on this point to be able to conclude. The next step that is needed before an efficient industrial application is an automation of the post treatment that has been done manually in this project. Concerning the weld ends, the first results presented in this paper are promising, although the results are too pessimistic as well. Some additional work is needed on this topic before using it for industrial applications.


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