PSI - Issue 18

G.M. Dominguez Almaraz et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 18 (2019) 594–599 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



Similar tendencies are observed on the fracture surfaces for the 1045 steel: 1) the crack initiation is related to non metallic inclusions or located at the external zone (particularly for the lower applied load), 2) The fast propagation crack zone decreases as the applied load dencreases. 4. Conclusions The following conclusions can be drawn from the present investigation: • Ultrasonic fatigue endurance results have been obtained for two car steels: AISI/SAE 4140T and 1045. • For the high applied load (360 MPa for 4140T and 280 MPa for 1045), fatigue life is close to one million of cycles for the first steel; whereas the 1045 steel attaints around 300,000 cycles. For the low applied load (300 and 240 MPa, respectively), the fatigue life is ten millions of cycles and 60 millions of cycles, respectively. • The fracture surfaces present two principal tendencies for the two tested steels: 1) crack initiation is asocieted with non metallic inclusions or located at the external surface of the neck section of specimen (particularly for the low applied load), 2) Slow crack propagation zone increases as the applied load decreases. • Ultrasonic fatigue results for the 4140T steel obtained in this investigation are close to values reported for untreated steel, Oh et al. (2015). • Ultrasonic fatigue behavior for the 1045 steel reported in this investigation was located in the low applied load (240 - 280 MPa), and presents no fatigue limit in this zone, contrary to one reported investigation, Szala and Ligaj (2015). 5. Acknowledgements The authors express their gratitude to the University of Michoacán in Mexico for the received support in the development of this work. A special mention of gratitude CONACYT (The National Council for Science and Technology, Mexico), for the financial support destined to this study by the program grant: CB- 241117- 2014. References Celik, A., Karadeniz, S., 1995. Improvement of the Fatigue Strength of AISI 4140 Steel by an Ion Nitriding Process. Surface and Coatings Technology 72(3), 169-173. Chaouch, D., Sadok, A., Bendaoudi S.-E., Chaouch, A., 2018. Effect of Charpy Impact Test on Microstructure Properties of AISI4140 Steel. Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering 22(4), 1463-1469. Ibrahim, A., Sayuti M., (2015). Effect of Heat Treatment on Hardness and Microstructures of AISI 1045. Advanced Materials Research 1119, 575 579. Meysami, A., Ghasemzadeh, R., Seyedein, S.-H., Aboutalebi, M.R., 2010. An Investigation on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Direct-Quenched and Tempered AISI 4140 Steel. Materials and Design 31(3), 1570-1575. Nagarajan, V.R., Putatunda, S.K., Boileau, J., 2017. Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Austempered AISI 4140 Steel with Dissolved Hydrogen. Metals 7, 466-483. Oh, M.C., Yeom, H., Jeon, Y., Ahn, B., 2015. Microstructural Characterization of Laser Heat Treated AISI 4140 Steel with Improved Fatigue Behavior. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 60, 1331-1334. Pertuz, A., Chitty, J.A., Puchi, E.S., Hintermann, H., 1999. Corrosion-Fatigue Behavior of an Annealed AISI 1045 Carbon Steel Coated with Electroless Nickel-Phosphorus. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 8(4), 424-428. Puchi-Cabrera, E.S., Staia, M.H., Ortiz-Mancilla, M.J., La Barbera-Sosa, J.G., Ochoa Pérez, E.A., Villalobos Gutiérrez, C., Belaller, S., Traisnel, M., Chicot, D., Lesage, J., 2010. Fatigue Behavior of a SAE 1045 Steel Coated with Colmonoy 88 Alloy Deposited by HVOF Thermal Spray. Surface and Coatings Technology 205(4), 1119-1126. Szala, G., Ligaj, B., 2016. Application of Hybrid Method in Calculation of Fatigue Life for C45 Steel (1045 Steel) Structural Components. International Journal of Fatigue 91, 39-49. Yazdani, S., Yoozbashi, M.N., Ebrahimi, A., 2007. Enhancement of Fatigue Strength of SAE 1045 Steel by Tempering Treatment and Shot Peening. Materials Science Forum 561-564, 41-44. Ye, Ch., Suslov, S., Kim, B.J., Stach, E.A., Cheng, G.J., 2011. Fatigue Performance Improvement in AISI 4140 Steel by Dynamic Strain Aging and Dynamic Precipitation During Warm Laser Shock Peening. Acta Materialia 59(3), 114-125. Ye, G.G., Xue, S.F., Ma, W., Jiang, M.Q., Ling, Z., Tong, X.H., Dai, L.H., 2012. Cutting AISI 1045 Steel at Very High Speeds. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 56, 1-9.

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