PSI - Issue 18

Mikhail Sokovikov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 18 (2019) 262–267 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



Experimental study To study the behavior of materials in the loading regime close to the conditions of pure shear arising in the material under dynamic loading on the split Hopkinson-Kolsky bar system, we developed a group of specimens of a specific shape and prepared appropriate test equipment ensuring implementation of the plane strain state. The obtained distributions of temperature fields on the lateral surface of the specimen at different times allowed us to judge the development of the process of plastic strain localization. AlMg6 alloy was chosen as a material for testing. Thermodynamics of the deformation process was investigated through the "in situ" registration of temperature fields using high-speed infrared camera CEDIP Silver 450M (sensitivity not less than 25 mK at 300°K, spectral range 3-5 µm, maximum frame size 320x240 pixels). The specimens made of aluminum alloy AMg6 were tested on the original ballistic system for studying perforation processes. The specimens were subjected to impact loads generated by cylindrical projectiles made of high-strength steel. The projectiles were 7.4 g in weight, 5 mm in diameter and 48 mm in length.

Fig.2. Infrared image of the hole after perforation and the plot of temperature as a function of coordinate at the specified instant of time: the material of the target is AMg6 alloy, the velocity of the projectile impact on the specimen is 390 m/s, the maximum temperature along the perimeter of the hole is ~375 ° C A high-speed impact of the projectile on the specimen led to its fracture, which occurred as the formation and ejection

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