PSI - Issue 18

D.A. Bondarchuk et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 18 (2019) 353–367 D.A. Bondarchuk, B.N.Fedulov, A.N. Fedorenk / Structural Integrity Procedia 0 (2019) 000 – 000

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Fig. 5. Mesh size sensitivity analysis.

Additionally, ratio of maximum (minimum) stress in composite before cut to stress after cut is presented in Fig. 6. Let us remark that, the σ 22 stress before cut and after cut change insignificantly (see Fig. 6 (c)). At the same time, the essential increase in σ 33 and especially σ 13 maximum stresses through the thickness after cut can be observed in Fig. 6 (e, g). The obtained results confirm the essential dependence of stresses in the sample after cut on mesh size. Due to the fact, that the value of stress significantly changes with increasing number of elements per layer, there is a possibility to have a discrepancy providing numerical analysis when using a coarser mesh for a sample thickness.

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