PSI - Issue 18

Natalia Kosheleva et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 18 (2019) 129–134 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



Fig. 4. Image of the internal structure of GFRP sample with woven reinforcement scheme and embedded optical fiber

In this case, only an insignificant distortion of the internal structure of the material in the area of the embedded optical fiber without the formation of a resin pocket, for all studied samples of GFRP, was found. In the Fig. 5 images of polished (a) and unpolished (b) surfaces of a GFRP sample with a 140-times magnification are shown.

Fig. 5. Image of the surface of GFRP sample with embedded optical fiber with 140x magnification: polished (a) ; unpolished (b)

Due to a number of differences between carbon fibers and glass fibers (physicomechanical properties, fiber size and density, etc.), a composite made of carbon fiber reinforcement has a more ordered structure, in which, using an optical microscope, it was not possible to isolate individual warp fibers, only the weft fibers. The microstrucural image of CFRP sample is present in the Fig. 6.

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