PSI - Issue 18

Francesco Iacoviello et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 18 (2019) 1–2 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



The “ Manson-Coffin IGF medal ” is awarded to outstanding academics in recognition of their seminal contribution to the formalization, implementation, and validation of novel theories and methodologies specifically devised to model fatigue related phenomena. The medal is established for the first time in 2019, one hundred years after the birth of S. S. Manson and one hundred and two years after the birth of L. F. Coffin. These two researchers have played a pivotal role in our understanding of damage under time-variable loading by independently proposing to use cyclic elasto plastic strains to assess lifetime in the low/medium-cycle fatigue regime. The “ Paolo Lazzarin IGF Medal ” promoted by IGF in memory of Prof. Paolo Lazzarin who suddenly passed away in 2014. Prof. Paolo Lazzarin has strongly contributed with his research to educate students and young researchers in the field of fatigue design by means of innovative local approaches. He has been a pioneering researcher in different fields of materials design. The “ Paolo Lazzarin IGF Medal ” is given in recognition of distinguished work that has made or is making a notable contribution to the branches of theoretical, numerical and experimental studies of stress fields near notches and fracture and fatigue assessment of materials in the presence of defects and geometrical discontinuities. The award is established for the first time in 2019 at five years from the death of Prof. Lazzarin and it will be assigned every two years to people who have been contributing outstandingly to the above mentioned research fields in terms of scientific impact and education. For these two new IGF awards, the 2019 winners are Neil James ( Manson-Coffin IGF medal ) and Filippo Berto ( Paolo Lazzarin IGF Medal ). In 2007 IGF started to video-record the IGF events and to publish these video-recordings in its YouTube channel. According to the IGF tradition, the majority of the presentations given in Catania also in 2019 are available on the IGF YouTube channel at: We hope the readers of these Proceedings will enjoy both the technical articles and the recorded talks. To conclude, a big “thank you” goes to all the members of the IGF Ex-Co for supporting not only the publication of this Proceedings, but also all the different activities done by the IGF on a daily basis: the fantastic results that the IGF has obtained in recent years have been possible also, and above all, thanks to the hard work done by everyone… actually, probably, among the best Ex-Cos that the IGF has ever had, i.e.: Vittorio Di Cocco (Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale) Giuseppe Ferro (Politecnico di Torino, Vice President) Angelo Finelli (retired from ENEA, Treasurer) Donato Firrao (Politecnico di Torino, Vice President) Francesco Iacoviello (Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, President)

Carmine Maletta (Università della Calabria) Giacomo Risitano (Università di Messina) Andrea Spagnoli (Università di Parma) Luca Susmel (University of Sheffield, Secretary)

These last lines are a “copy and past” of the Editorial published in 2018 in Procedia Structural Integrity for the IGF Workshop “Fracture and Structural Integrity” … all the ExCo members daily help the IGF in all its activities and it is a duty and a pleasure to remember their efforts and the time they spend for the association. We hope that the new ExCo elected in Catania will be able to keep the level of the IGF activities as high as the level of the last years.

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