PSI - Issue 18


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Procedia Structural Integrity 18 (2019) 309–313 25th Internation l Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity Critical Phenomena in Portevin–Le Chatelier effect during compression of aluminium-magnesium alloy and stored energy evolution Sergey Uvarov a *, Denis Efremov a a Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Ak. Korolev Street, Perm, 614013 , Russia Abstract This work was inspired by works of Gianfranco D’Anna (2000) where the Portevin-Le Chaˆtelier effect (PLC) was investigated by compressing Al-Mg alloy specimen in a very large deformation range and the results were interpreted from the viewpoint of phase transitions and critical phenomena. Two critical points where deformation process changes from “laminar” to jerky flow and back were noticed. We found that the second critical point where the rate of the serrations is decreased before the macroscopic fracture is not reachable for some alloys even with proposed geometry. We have tested 2 sets of specimens made of the same AMG6 alloy (~6% of magnesium) but with different amount of Si obtained from different producers. Specimens with a higher amount of Si tends to fracture before reaching the second point. Also, we have measured the amount of stored energy which can be recovered as heat during the annealing process. We used the differential scanning calorimeter STA "Jupiter" 449. We found that the amount of this energy sharply increases with the beginning of PLC serrations (first critical point) and drops at a second critical point or at macroscopic fracture. This can be related to a special type of critical phenomena—structural scaling transitions in mesodefect ensembles and associated structural relaxation mechanisms Naimark (2016) 25th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity Critical Phenomena in Portevin–Le Chatelier effect during compression of aluminium-magnesium alloy and stored energy evolution Sergey Uvarov a *, Denis Efremov a a Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Ak. Korolev Street, Perm, 614013 , Russia Abstract This work was inspired by works of Gianfranco D’Anna (2000) where the Portevin-Le Chaˆtelier effect (PLC) was investigated by compressing Al-Mg alloy specimen in a very large deformation range and the results were interpreted from the viewpoint of phase transitions and critical phenomena. Two critical points where deformation process changes from “laminar” to jerky flow and back were noticed. We found that the second critical point where the rate of the serrations is decreased before the macroscopic fracture is not reachable for some alloys even with proposed geometry. We have tested 2 sets of specimens made of the same AMG6 alloy (~6% of magnesium) but with different amount of Si obtained from different producers. Specimens with a higher amount of Si tends to fracture before reaching the second point. Also, we have measured the amount of stored energy which can be recovered as heat during the annealing process. We used the differential scanning calorimeter STA "Jupiter" 449. We found that the amount of this energy sharply increases with the beginning of PLC serrations (first critical point) and drops at a second critical point or at macroscopic fracture. This can be related to a special type of critical phenomena—structural scaling transitions in mesodefect ensembles and associated structural relaxation mechanisms Naimark (2016) © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Gruppo Italiano Frattura (IGF) ExCo.

© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Gruppo Italiano Frattura (IGF) ExCo. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Gruppo Italiano Frattura (IGF) ExCo.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-342-2378312;. E-mail address:

2452-3216 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Gruppo Italiano Frattura (IGF) ExCo. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-342-2378312;. E-mail address:

2452-3216 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Gruppo Italiano Frattura (IGF) ExCo.

2452-3216  2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Gruppo Italiano Frattura (IGF) ExCo. 10.1016/j.prostr.2019.08.170

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