PSI - Issue 18

A.P. Zakharov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 18 (2019) 749–756 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



of the Ramberg – Osgood constitutive equation, respectively.

Table 1. Elastic-plastic mechanical properties. Material E [GPa] σ 0 [MPa]

σ u [MPa]



Steel P2M Steel 34XH3MA


362.4 714.4

1190.0 1260.4

4.141 7.889

4.131 0.529


Al 7050 Ti6Al4V


471.6 885.5


10.851 12.588

1.570 1.225



Shlyannikov and Zakharov (2017) obtained elastic-plastic parameters such as the governing parameter of the elastic-plastic crack tip stress field I n -integral, the stress triaxiality and the plastic SIF under small-scale yielding for specified test specimen geometries above, mixed mode loading conditions and material properties. In the present study the mixed mode crack behaviour was characterized by large-scale yielding plastic SIF. Fig.6 shows the distributions of the J -integral for all considered test specimen configurations with the set of elastic-plastic materials properties as a function of mode mixity M P ranging from 0 to 1.

Fig.6. J -integral distributions for the CTS (a), CS-1 (b) and CS-2 (c).

As it follows from these results, the significant effect on the J -integral associated with the elastic-plastic material properties in a full range of mixed modes. It should be noted that the J -integral at pure Mode I is less than that at pure Mode II. It can be explained in terms of the plastic zone that develops directly ahead of the crack tip in a large scale under a mixed mode loading with respect to pure Mode I. For the test specimen configurations considered here values of the large-scale yielding plastic SIF are presented in Fig.7 in comparison with results of small-scale yielding FE analysis obtained by Shlyannikov and Zakharov (2017). Note, that plastic SIF for small-scale yielding ( K ssy ) and large-scale yielding ( K p ) were calculated by Eq.(2) and Eq.(8) respectively.

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