PSI - Issue 18

Sana Gul et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 18 (2019) 101–107 Sana Gul/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



1. Introduction To dispose waste rubber tire is one of the major environmental issue all over the world 1 . Every year large number of tires are buried or discarded all over the world causing a serious threat to the environment 1 . It is well known that the service life of almost one billion tires ended and about 50% of the these are discarded regularly 1 .according to literature scrap rubber tires contain some materials which can not be decompose in any condition thus causing serious threats to the environment 2 . One of the options is to burn them but again that would cause other harmful effects 2 .Therefore, causing a serious threat to the ecology. Tires are not easily biodegradable waste. Therefore, it is required to disposed of these tires efficiently. In the recent years a progress has been made in the management of polymeric wastes such as tires and it is becoming a potential source of valued raw materials 3 .One of the solutions to overcome this problem is to use tires as aggregate in the concrete by partially replacing the concrete by scrapped rubber tires 3 as already discussed waste from rubber tires cannot be disposed of even after a long span landfill treatment 4 therefore, they should be recycled and reused. In some research rubber tires are even used as fuel for kiln but again because of emission of carbo black from burning of these fuels causes serious environmental threats 5 .The best way to reused scrap rubber tires is to use them in concrete as in concrete they will act as a filler and won’t make any chemical bonding thus making it environmental friendly 6 . Although previous studies showed that using scrap rubber tires as a replacement of aggregate can cause reduction in compressive strength but showed lower unit weight and good workability as compared to plain concrete, so it can be used for the production of light weight aggregate 7 . Also, good energy absorption and ductility within the range was absorbed for rubberized concrete as compared to plain cocneret 8 . Rubberized concrete showed increased water absorption capability 9,10 .

Nomenclature SF

Steel Fiber RRSF Recycled Rubber Steel Fiber XRF X-Ray Florescence LD Laser Diffraction OPC Ordinary Portland Cement ACI American Concrete Institute ASTM American Standard for Testing Materials UTM Universal Testing Machine

2. Experimental Program 2.1. Materials Used Ordinary Portland cement (OPC), grade 53, manufactured in Pakistan, confronting to ASTM standard 11 C150-04, locally available course aggregate, fine aggregate, steel fibers, and scrap rubber steel fiber. 2.2. Chemical and Physical Characterization The aggregates were characterized using sieve analysis for the average particle size, and Laser diffraction technique for avrage particale size of the cement also X-Ray Florscence technique for the elemental analysis of the cement used shown in table.1. Fig.1. (a) and (b) shows the particle size distribution of fine and coarse aggrigate. Table 2 shows the physical properties of materials used.

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