PSI - Issue 16
Volodymyr Panasyuk / Procedia Structural Integrity 16 (2019) 3–10 Volodymyr Panasyuk / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
It would be good to note the publication by scientists in PhMI (in co-authorship with scientists from other institutions) a 15-volume reference-book on fracture mechanics of materials and structural integrity. Among them, two books republished by “Springer”: t he 12 th volume by Marukha et al. (2014) and the 14 th volume by Savruk and Kazberuk (2017).
8. Conclusions
Linear fracture mechanics of cracked materials (Griffith – Irwin concept) has theoretical completion. The development of new effective methods for materials static toughness (crack growth resistance) estimation is necessary for practical use. There are significant achievements in the non-linear quazibrittle mechanics of deformed cracked bodies, that is when a substantive plastic deformation zone appears in the vicinity of a crack tip. The development of methods for three-dimensional cracked solids strength estimation remains relevant. There are significant achievements in the determination of macrocrack initiation ( N 1 ) and propagation ( N 2 ) periods in the cyclically deformed body in the science on metals fracture mechanics. In particular, the procedure of ( N 1 ) period determination if the diagram of the macrocrack propagation rate for this metal is known was developed. Investigations of working environment influence on structural materials strength preserve their relevance. Influence of hydrogen on metals and their welded joints strength are of special importance (problems of ecologically pure hydrogen power engineering). Andreikiv, A., 1982. Three- dimentional Problems of the Theory of Cracks. “Naukova Dumka” Publ. House, Kyiv, pp. 346 (in Russian). And reikiv, O., Darchuk, A., 1992. Fatigue Fracture and Lifetime of Structures. “Naukova Dumka” Publ. House, Kyiv, pp. 183 (in Ru ssian). Bamford, W., 1979. Application of Corrosion Fatigue Crack Growth Rate to Integrity Analysis in Nuclear Reactor Vessels. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 101 (3), 182 – 190. Datsyshyn, O. Panasyuk, V., 2018. Contact Lifetime and Fracture of Structural Elements under Cyclic Loading. “Naukova Dumka” Publ. House, Kyiv, pp. 288 (in Ukrainian). Dmytrakh, I., Panasyuk, V., 1999. Influence of Corrosive Environment on the Local Fracture of Metals near Stress Concentrators. Physico Mechanical Institute, Lviv, pp. 342 (in Ukrainian). Dugdale, D.-S., 1960. Yielding of Steel Sheets Containing Slits. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 8 (2), 100 – 108. Griffith, A. 1924. “The theory of rupture.” In: Proc., Ist., Int., Congr., Appl., Mech. Biereno, C.B. Burgers, J.M(eds). Delf t: Tech. Boekhandel en Drukkerij. J. Waltman Jr., 54 – 63. Irwin, G., 1957. Analysis of Stresses and Strains near the End of a Crack, Traversing a Plate. Journal of Applied Mechanics 24 (3), 361 – 364. Ivanitskii, Ya., Kun, P., 2013. Crack Resistance of Structural Steels under Complex Loading. “Spolom” Publ. House, Lviv, pp. 276 (in Ukrainian). Leonov, M., Panasyuk, V., 1959. Propagation of Very Small Cracks in Solid Body. Prikladnaya Mechanika 5 (4), 391 – 401 (in Ukrainian). Marukha, V., Panasyuk, V., Sylovanyuk, V., 2014. Injection Technologies for the Repair of Damaged Concrete Structures. Springer, pp. 230. Ostash, O., 2015. Structure of Materials and Fatigue Lifetime of Structural Components. “Spolom” Publ. House, Lviv, pp. 304 ( in Ukrainian). Panasyuk, V., 1960. On the Crack Propagation under the Deformation of Brittle Bodies. Dopovidi Academii Nauk Ukrainskoi RSR 9, 1185 – 1188 (in Ukrainian). Panasyuk, V., Berezhnitskii, L., Kovchik, S., 1965. Propagation of Arbitrary Oriented Rectilinear Crack. Prikladnaya Mechanika 1, 2, 48 – 55 (in Russian). Panasyuk, V., Ratych, L., Dmytrakh, I., 1984. Fatigue Crack Growth in Corrosive Environments. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 7 (1), 1 – 11. Panasyuk, V., 1991. Mechanics of Quazibrittle Fracture of Materials. “Naukova Dumka” Publ. House, Kyiv, pp. 412 (in Russian). Panasyuk, V., 2002. Strength and Fracture of Solids with Cracks. Physico-Mechanical Institute, Lviv, pp. 464. Savruk, M., Kazberuk, A., 2017. Stress Concentration at Notches. Springer, pp. 516. Schijve, J., 2003. Fatigue of Structures and Materials in the 20 th Century and the State of the Art. Physicochemical Mechanics of Materials, 3, 7 – 27 (in Ukrainian). Wells, A.-A., 1961. Critical Tip Opening Displacement as Fracture Criterion. Crack Propagation Symposium, Cranfield, 1, 210 – 221. Yarema, S., Mykytyshyn, S., 1975. An Analytic Description of Materials Fatigue Fracture Failure Diagrams. Physicochemical Mechanics of Materials 6, 47 – 54 (in Russian). References
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