PSI - Issue 16

Barbara Nasiłowska et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 16 (2019) 230 – 236


Barbara Nasiłowska et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000


1. Introduction

Since 2004 when Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov proved and described unique properties of graphene rapid acceleration of studies over graphene has been recorded concerning basic, developmental and implementation research (Geim (2009), Wang (2012), Ren (2018)). Graphene and its derivatives is mainly used in composite materials (Pasternak (2013), Nasiłowska (2018) , Fu (2019), Wu (2019)) and on the surfaces. Nowadays deposition of graphene on copper surfaces with CVD method is rather common and popular (Pasternak (2013)). More problematic is deposition of graphene and its derivatives on metallic surfaces where no strong adsorption bonding are observed between graphene and metal. Numerous research have been conducted regarding development of deposition methods of graphene and its derivatives on metallic surfaces (Ji (2014), Lim (2017), Quezada-Renteria (2017), Trzaskowska (2018), Ho (2019)). Most common method of graphene oxide (GO) deposition is electrophoretic deposition (EPD) (Ji (2014), Quezada-Renteria (2017), Trzaskowska (2018)). Trzaskowska (2018) described steel deposition process with GO by electrophoretic method. Process was carried with variable current parameters, stirring and concentration of the solutions. For current parameters 15 – 20 mA, GO concentration at 0,5% and stirring with 500 rpm the most uniform layer was obtained. All deposited GO layers showed hydrophilic features and resistance to abrasion in strength tests. In work of Queza da- Rentería et. al. (2017) proposed a variation in the EPD process of GO, which consisted in changing the GO's charge to positive values by adsorbing Ca 2+ allowing the electrophoretic deposition of GO onto the cathode (cEPD). The main role of GO layers deposited on steel is anticorrosive effect. This feature is strictly correlated with wettability which is influenced by GO modifiers (Rattana (2012), Parobek (2015), Cai (2018), Melios (2018)). Analysis of the interaction of GO on structural properties of steel described previously by Nasiłowska (2018) showed that this allotropic form of carbon creates passive layer which suppress corrosion formation. Both types of corrosion, pitting and intergranular, are the main reasons for initiation of the fatigue cracks leading to damages of the construction. Decrease in corrosion development elongate steel usability and favour structural integrity. Despite numerous papers concerning graphene and its derivatives application in industry the wettability issue of GO on glass and steel is still insufficiently described.

Fig. 1. Corrosion initiation in structural steel S235.

Authors of presented paper performed a series of basic research concerning deposition of GO on structural steel S235, which is commonly used in industry due to economic reasons. The major disadvantage this type of steel is vulnerability to general and intergranular corrosion (Fig. 1).

2. Experimental Methods

For the purpose of comparative analysis GO was deposited on glass surface. Obtained surfaces were analysed for wettability features, surface morphology and corrosion sensibility.

2.1. Graphene oxide deposition

All samples of the steel S235 were cut out of one metal sheet vertically to the rolling direction. GO deposition was conducted with method developed in Optoelectronic Institute and described below.

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