PSI - Issue 16
Róbert Beleznai et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 16 (2019) 59–66 Róbert Beleznai et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
5. Conclusions
The goal of this paper is to analyse the usability of the new building element consisting of the cane and polyurethane as the bridging element. The mechanical and thermal behaviour of the composite bridging element with three different volume ratios of biomass were analysed using numerical modelling. The structure with all the analysed volume ratios fulfils the strength requirements; even the highest level of the cane content can provide higher strength than the wooden bridging element. The thermal insulation capability of the composite beam was also analysed. The obtained thermal conductivity of the composite element is much evident than that one for the larch. The result of the feasibility study implies that the composite lintel with the higher content of biomass reinforcement meets the expectations. The composite bridging element is made of the natural renewable material. Moreover, it can be produced by approximately zero CO 2 emission that allows one to build almost thermal bridge free structures without having any substances hazardous to health. The product is non-flammable and pest resistant, it prevents fire propagation and does not undergo moulding.
The research presented in the paper was carried out in the frame of the Institutional Excellence Program for Higher Education as a part of the Raw Material Management, Raw Material From Waste Sub-Program at the University of Miskolc, Hungary.
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