PSI - Issue 14

Altaf Ali et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 14 (2019) 273–281 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000



Acknowledgement We would like to thank the whole technical team of QA-FRF, NFC for their help in preparation of weld samples and RT setups. We also would like to thank NDED, IGCAR for all technical support to carryout UT experiments. References Raj, B., Chellapandi, P., Rao, P. V., 2015. Sodium Fast Reactors with Closed Fuel Cycle. 1st ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Prasad, P., Dutta, B . K., Kushwaha, H. S., Kakodkar, A., 1992. A Parametric Study of PHWR Fuel Bundles to Reduce Failures at Clad- End Cap Junction. Bombay. Choi, M. S., Yang, M. S., 1991. Quality Evaluation and Control of End Cap Welds in PHWR Fuel Elements by Ultrasonic Examination. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 321–27. Goujon, N. S., 2005. Replacement of Radiography by Ultrasonic Inspection. Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Moran, T. L., Ramuhalli, P., Pardini, A. F., Anderson, M . T., Doctor, S. R., 2010. Replacement of Radiography with Ultrasonics for the Nondestructive Inspection of Welds – Evaluation of Technical Gaps – An Interim Report (PNNL-19086). Spanner, J., 2005. Effectiveness of Substituting Ultrasonic Testing for Radiographic Testing for Repair/Replacement, Proceedings of the 2005 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Moran, T. L., Pardini, A. F., Ramuhalli, P., Prowant, M. S., Mathews, R. A., 2012. An Empirical Study on Ultrasonic Testing in Lieu of Radiography For Nuclear Power Plants. Jrc-Nde, 512–21. Forli, O., 1980. Reliability of Ultrasonic and Radiographic Weld Testing, 9th World Conference on Non-destructive Testing. Melbourne, Australia. Forli, O., 1990. Development and Optimization of NDT for Practical Use: Reliability of Radiography and Ultrasonic Testing, 5th Nordic NDT Symposium. Forli, O., 1998. Guidelines for NDE Reliability Determination and Description. in Nordtest NT TECHN report, 394. Narang, M., 2014. Study of Ultrasonic Inspection of Improperly Oriented Defects in PHWR Endcap Welds. Thesis submitted to the board of studies in enginnering sciences, HBNI. Mukherjee, D., Saxena, M. M., Sathe, D. B., Panakkal, J . P., Kamath, H. S., 2006. Development of an Ultrasonic Testing Technique for the NDT of Breeder Reactor End Cap Welds. Materials Evaluation. Das, S., Vaidya, P. R., Shah, B. K., 2008. Tangential Radiography Technique for Special Weld Joints Configuration. Inspectioneering Journal. Halmshaw, R., Kowol, T., 2001. Image Quality Indicators in Industrial Radiography. IE-NDT LTD Technical Materials. Ewert, U., Zscherpel, U., Bavendiek, K., 2005. Replacement of Film Radiography by Digital Techniques and Enhancement of Image Quality, annual conference of Indian NDT society. Kalkutta. Schmerr, L. W., 2016. Fundamentals of Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation A Modeling Approach. 2nd ed. Springer.

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