PSI - Issue 14
Vivek khare, Shubham srivastava, Sudhir kamle, G.M. Kamath / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 000
Vivek Khare et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 14 (2019) 215–225
Fig. 9. Storage modulus for (a) 0.5 %; (b) 1 %; (c) 2%; MWCNT-PP and MWCNT-COOH-PP nanocomposites
5. Conclusions
In the present study MWCNT-PP made nanocomposites were fabricated and characterized for their uniaxial tensile, creep, cyclic tensile and dynamic behavior to investigate the effect of functionalization of MWCNT than pristine MWCNT on the thermo mechanical behavior and following conclusions has been drawn. • Tensile strength of – COOH functionalized MWCNT was improved up to 54.08% than neat PP, whereas 2% pristine sample showed 31.44% decrease. • Linearity threshold of 1 MPa and 5 seconds was determined from creep compliance verses time curves up to which material behaves linearly which was further validated with cyclic testing. • Dynamic testing at temperature ramp 0-100°C showed that functionalized MWCNT represents better elastic response than pristine MWCNT but only up to 1% concentration as compared to neat PP, while 2% pristine sample showed lowest stiffness in all the cases.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support and facilities offered by structures and materials characterization laboratory, Department of Aerospace Engineering IIT Kanpur.
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