PSI - Issue 14

Vikas Verma et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 14 (2019) 68–77 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 0 0



Table 1. Al-Al 2 O 3 and fly ash MMC’s processed via stir casting at 750°C temperature

S. No

Composition (wt %)

1 2 3 4

Pure alloy

Al alloy+5%Flyash+6%Al 2 O 3 Al alloy+5%Flyash+9%Al 2 O 3 Al alloy+5%Flyash+12%Al 2 O 3

2.3 Tensile, bending and hardness tests

Tensile and bending tests were done on universal testing machine. Tensile specimens were prepared on lathe machine according to ASTM E8M and ESTM E290 standard shown in Figure 2. The specimens were tested and average of readings is reported. Samples were thoroughly polished using emery papers embedded with abrasive particles of 9, 6, 3, and 1 μm size. Fine polishing was done on velvet cloth with alumina paste for having scratch free surface. Brinell hardness was taken at a load of 500N applied for 15 sec with ball indenter ASTME10. Five indentation marks were taken for each load and average of them is reported.

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of tensile and bending strength specimen as per standard ASTM E8M-89b and ASTM E290 respectively.

2.4 Dry sliding wear test Polished samples of 10 mm dia and 30 mm length were subjected to sliding wear tests at ambient conditions using a pin on disc wear tester with 110 mm track diameter. Tests were conducted at varying load of 15 N, 20 N and 25 N by keeping speed and time constant, at varying speed of 700, 800 and 900 rpm by keeping load and time constant and at varying time 3, 4 and 5 min by keeping load and speed constant. Initial weight of specimens were noted using electronic weighing machine with an accuracy 0.0001g. Difference in the weight measured before and after testing gives the wear of the specimen.

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