PSI - Issue 13

ScienceDirect Available online at Av ilable o line at ScienceDirect Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2016) 000 – 000 Procedia Structural Integrity 13 (2018) 2152–2157 Available online at ScienceDirect Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 Available online at ScienceDirect Structural Int grity Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

XV Portuguese Conference on Fracture, PCF 2016, 10-12 February 2016, Paço de Arcos, Portugal Thermo-mechanical modeling of a high pressure turbine blade of an airplane gas turbine engine P. Brandão a , V. Infante b , A.M. Deus c * a Department of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal b IDMEC, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal c CeFEMA, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal Abstract During their operation, modern aircraft engine components are subjected to increasingly demanding operating conditions, especially the high pressure turbine (HPT) blades. Such conditions cause these parts to undergo different types of time-dependent degradation, one of which is creep. A model using the finite element method (FEM) was developed, in order to be able to predict the creep behaviour of HPT blades. Flight data records (FDR) for a specific aircraft, provided by a commercial aviation company, were used to obtain thermal and mechanical data for three different flight cycles. In order to create the 3D model needed for the FEM analysis, a HPT blade scrap was scanned, and its chemical composition and material properties were obtained. The data that was gathered was fed into the FEM model and different simulations were run, first with a simplified 3D rectangular block shape, in order to better establish the model, and then with the real 3D mesh obtained from the blade scrap. The overall expected behaviour in terms of displacement was observed, in particular at the trailing edge of the blade. Therefore such a model can be useful in the goal of predicting turbine blade life, given a set of FDR data. ECF22 - Loading and Environmental effects on Structural Integrity Assessing Fracture Surface Ductility by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy E.D. Merson a , V.A. Danilov a , M.L. Linderov a , P.N. Myagkikh a , D.L. Merson a , A. Vinogradov b a Institute of Advanced Technologies, Togliatti State University, Belorusskaya str. 14, Togliatti 445667, Russian Federation b Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway Abstract Hitherto there is no generally accepted quantitative parameter which, on the one hand, would reliably characterize the ductility of the whole fracture surface, and, on the other hand, could be relatively quickly measured. This circumstance substantially affects the objectivity of the fractographic analysis which effectiveness is still strongly dependent on the experience and skills of an expert. Recent studies showed that the value of the normalized fracture surface area Rs can serve as the measure of the fracture surface ductility. This parameter can be evaluated by the quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). In the present study we investigated the Rs value for the fracture surfaces of the low carbon steel specimens tested in the temperature range from 200 to - 196 °C where the steel undergoes ductile-to-brittle transition accompanied by the alternation of the fracture mode from ductile to brittle. The temperature dependence of the Rs value is found to have a sigmoidal shape with the sharp drop in the range from 100 to -100 °C. It is demonstrated that the Rs is strongly correlated with the fracture surface appearance: the Rs decreases concurrently with increasing brittleness of the fracture surface. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the ECF22 organizers. Keywords: confocal laser scanning microscopy; fracture surface; quantitative fractography; normalized surface area; low-carbon steel. 1. Introduction A fracture surface of a material tells a lot about causes and mechanisms that lay in the basis of fracture Gilbertson and Zipp (1981), Strauss and Cullen (1978). This information can be used for improvement of the microstructure as well as mechanical and service properties of the material. Thus, the development of fractographic techniques with enhanced analytic capability and practical effectiveness is still topical and challenging. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the ECF22 organizers. ECF22 - Loading and Environmental effects on Structural Integrity Assessing Fracture Surface Ductility by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy E.D. Merson a , V.A. Danilov a , M.L. Linderov a , P.N. Myagkikh a , D.L. Merson a , A. Vinogradov b a Institute of Advanced Technologies, Togliatti State University, Belorusskaya str. 14, Togliatti 445667, Russian Federation b Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway Abstract Hitherto there is no generally a cepted qua titative param ter which, on the one hand, would reliably har cterize the ductility of the whole fracture surfac , and, on the other hand, could be relatively quickly m asured. This circumstance substantially affects the objectivity of the fractographic analysis which effectiveness is still strongly dependent on the experience and skills of an expert. R cent studies showed that the value of the normalized fracture surface area Rs can serve as the measure of the fracture surface du tility. This param ter can b evaluated by the quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). In the present study w investigated the Rs value for the fracture surfaces of the low carbon steel specimens tested in the temperature range from 200 to - 196 °C where the steel undergoes ductile-to-brittle transition accompanied by the alternation of the fracture mode from ductile to brittle. The t mperature depend nce of the Rs value is found to have sigmoidal shape with the sharp drop in the range from 100 to -100 °C. It is demonstrated that the Rs is strongly correlated with the fracture surf c appearance: the Rs decreases concurrently with increasing brittle ess of the fracture surface. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the ECF22 organizers. Keywords: confocal laser scanning microscopy; fracture surface; quantitative fractography; norm lized surface area; low-carbon steel. 1. Introduction A fracture surface of a material tells a lot about causes and mechanisms that lay in the basis of fracture Gilbertson and Zipp (1981), Strauss and Cullen (1978). This information can be used for improvement of the microstructure as well as mechanical and service properties of the material. Thus, the development of fractographic techniques with enhanced analytic capability and practical effectiveness is still topical and challenging. © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of PCF 2016. Keywords: High Pressure Turbine Blade; Creep; Finite Element Method; 3D Model; Simulation.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 218419991. E-mail address: 2452-3216 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the ECF22 organizers. 2452-3216 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer review under r sponsibility of the ECF22 organizers.

2452-3216 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of PCF 2016.

2452-3216  2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the ECF22 organizers. 10.1016/j.prostr.2018.12.149

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