PSI - Issue 11

244 Gabriela Lotufo Oliveira et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 242–249 Gabriela Lotufo Oliveira, Fabiana Lopes de Oliveira, Sérgio Brazolin / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 3 Where: T is the average monthly temperature (°C) D is the average number of days in the month with 0,25 mm precipitation or more The author calculated the climate index value for the metropolitan areas of the USA, resulting in a climate index map of the country, divided in three index zones that represent three levels of above ground decay. Figure 1 shows the map of the USA reproduced in the Wood Handbook (Forest Products Laboratory, 1999, apud Carll, 2009, p.2) and based on the index proposed by Scheffer.

Fig. 1. Scheffer´s climate-index map of the USA.

According to Scheffer, in areas from the map with index values of less than 35, there are the least favorable conditions for decay; in those with values between 35 and 70, there are intermediately favorable conditions; in the ones with values greater than 70, there are the most conductive conditions to decay (Scheffer, 1971). Decay hazard maps based on Scheffer’s index have also been developed for Brazil and Australia, by Martins et al. (2003) and Carter et al. (1993, apud Foliente, 1999, p.1293), respectively, and are shown on Figure 2 and Figure 3.

Fig. 2. Brazilian´s climate-index map, based on Scheffer´s index.

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