PSI - Issue 11
P. Bamonte et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 322–330
P. B
amonte and A. Ta
liercio/ Structur
al Integrity Proc
edia 00 (2018) 0
Fig. comp
model and finite
7. Temperature p arison between
rofile along the c global and reduc
himney thicknes ed model.
s at z = 20 m: (a)
comparison betw
een rheological
element model;
8. Comparison b cal stress.
etween global an
Fig. verti 5. C T beh T stru abo keep I hori con A stre reas
d reduced model
in terms of stress
distribution alon
g the chimney th
ickness at z = 20
m: (a) hoop stre
ss; (b)
oncluding re he results of avior of doub he vertical ( cture. Both in ut the design the vertical n the presenc zontal cracks servative, or t s regards th sses. Perform onably well m
marks the numeric le-walled mas compressive) the shaft and criterion adop stress below a e of wind loa in the lowe he chimney is ermal effects ing the analy atched, prov
al analyses p onry chimney gravity-indu the base the ted for determ certain level ds significant r part of th partly shield , a linear ela sis by mean ided that the a
resented in th s to be drawn ced stress reg maximum va ining the ch . tensile stress e structure. T ed by the surr stic analysis s of the XFE nisotropic ten
e paper allow . ularly increa lue attained i ange in shape es arise at gro his means t ounding buil gives very hi M, the crack sile strength
some gener ses from the s around 0.5 M of the cross und level. Th hat either cu dings. gh values of pattern surv of brickwork
al conclusion top towards Pa: this cou section, name is finding is n rrent standar both the hoo eyed over th is taken into
s on the stru the bottom o ld be an indic ly the necess ot matched b ds are exces p and the ve e structure c account.
ctural f the ation ity to y any sively rtical an be
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