PSI - Issue 11

M.T. Cristofaro et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 234–241




.T. Cristofaro et

al. / Structural I

ntegrity Procedi

a 00 (2018) 000–



1. I

M echanical pr , and ii) indire n axial comp e difficult to ratories acco UNI EN 125 eing the ten ated throug ure 1). The f e concrete sp , this procedu tting test. Th matic specim diametrically e UNI EN 12 erated at ruptu his work illu ngth of concr s, particularly ulations pres

operties of c ct tensile test ression on cu achieve, so it rding to proc 04-1: 2009 fo sile strength h three altern irst testing pr ecimen acco re is rarely ap e bending tes en until ruptu opposed gen 390-6 (2010) re in the diam strates the re ete belonging the ones obta ent in the tec

oncrete are u . The first typ bic or cylind is usually pe edures establ r samples obt of concrete ative proced ocedure consi rding to the U plied; in fact t allows estim re [UNI EN erators, para standards; in etric plane c sults of an ex to an existing ined from th hnical and sci

sually evalua e of test is the rical specime rformed by in ished by the U ained from ex of more un ures: direct t sts in the dire NI 6135 (197 it is preferabl ating the str 12390-5, 200 llel to the axi this case, a s ontaining the perimental ca school build e tensile splitt entific literatu

ted through t most comm ns of standard direct method NI standard isting structu certain evalu ensile test, b ct application 2) standards. e to adopt ind ength of the 9]. Splitting s of the concr tress represen load line. mpaign aime ing located in ing tests, wer re.

wo main typ only performe dimensions s. These test s (UNI EN 1 res). ation, such ending test , up to ruptu Due to diffic irect methods concrete by test provides ete specimen tative of the t d at evaluatin Tuscany (Ita e compared w

es of test: i) d and consist until rupture. s are usually e 2390-3: 2009 mechanical p and splitting re, of an incre ulties in perfo such as the b a four points longitudinal , cylindrical o ensile strengt g both comp ly). Results g ith strength

direct compre s in the applic The tensile xecuted in o for new con roperty is u (or Brazilian asing tensile rming this ty ending test an load scheme compression r cubic, acco h of the concr ressive and t iven by labo values provid

ssion ation test is fficial cretes sually ) test force pe of d the on a along rding ete is ensile ratory ed by

test of a mor labo and B estim (Fig to th test spli pris two to th gen T stre test form

Fig. 1. Method

s for the evaluati

on of tensile stren

gth: a) direct tes

t; b) bending tes

t; c) splitting test


2. L L and sign exis buil that stru con obta extr

aboratory te aboratory tes Structures” ificant numb ting RC scho t in the mid-7 decided the ctural elemen ditions. total of 23 ining specim acted from di

sts and elabo ts (compressi of the Depa er of specime ol building lo 0s and was s demolition ow ts (two beam 2 cores were ens for both fferent structu

ration of res on and splitti rtment of Ar ns, with diam cated in San G ubjected to an ing to probl s and six colu extracted; ho compression ral elements

ults ng tests) were chitecture – eters ranging odenzo, a co early investi ems in the se mns) were tak wever, resul and tensile t are shown in

executed at DiDA of th from 44 to 1 untry near Fl gation by the ismic design, en from the ts reported in ests (181 cor Table 1 and F

the “Official L e University 04 mm, obta orence, befor technical dep as reported i building, stor this work c es). The data igure 2.

aboratory fo of Florence. ined by cores e its demolitio artment of th n Cristofaro e ed in a way to oncern only and position

r Tests on Ma Tests invol extracted fro n. The schoo e Regione To t al. (2016). simulate pre cores that all concerning

terial ved a m an l was scana Eight vious owed cores


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