PSI - Issue 11

J.I. Gisbert et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 428–435



Author name

/ Structural Integ

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(2018) 000–000

1. I



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Uniaxia Uniaxia Plastic s Ultimate Relative Residua Plastic s Residua Maximu Critical Maximu Critical

l Compressive l Tensile Stren train at uniax effective pla stress at onse l compressive train limit in l tensile relati m Normal Co Fracture Ener m Equivalent Fracture Ener been one of raw material dually develo ctions, added ural masonry tures may be nded with m smit stresses. e characterist of elastic m sonry failure e, since it inv mple, which fine masonry any stress typ een mortar an have been m ith analytica the literature ed on repres ately with the

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e strength ompression hardening s

l Separation ontact Stress tial Slip d building m al environme ostly brick b e and traditio ich are highly s a composite oversees the m res behave qu tar, and the sh e maximum c kest areas. Ac ulation of sev ds on the bou nd its failure shing under c sliding due to oped using e d numerical els can be a ry as a hom teristics.

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aterials thro nt. This build ased constru nal buildings vulnerable to material whi asonry’s coh ite different ape adopted ompression a cording to th eral element ndary conditi modes, seve ompressive s shear forces xperimental models to be pproached fr ogeneous ma

ughout histor ing tradition, ction procedu that have sur earthquakes ch involves th esion, gener depending on by the assemb nd tension st is, simulation s with differe ons as well as ral authors lik tress, piece cr , and mixed fa samples cam able to ana om two diffe terial, while

y due to its which used m re due to ne vived until no . e assembling ating geometr the kind of s ling. resses betwee s and calculus nt. This gener the stress pla e [1]-[2]-[3] ack under fle ilures under m paigns which lyze general rent ways: ( (ii) micromo

durability, an ainly stone, w industriali wadays, gene of solid dry ic patterns in tresses to resi n pieces and of these stru ates an aniso ne. or [4] have s xural stress, t ultiaxial for , afterwards, masonry beh i) macromod dels consider

d the in the zation rate a pieces order st, the joints ctures tropic tudied ensile ces. were avior. elling each

Figure 1: E

lement solid65 (

left) and solid18

6 (right) [10]

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