PSI - Issue 11
Petr Stepanek et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 12–19
etr Stepanek at
al. / Structural In
tegrity Procedia
00 (2018) 000–
ecce the
ntricities cau concrete was
sed by the pr 63 MPa.
oduction, the
sample was p
rovided with
hinges. The
average comp
ressive stren
gth of
Fig. 4. Strain
evolution (60% f
ult ).
Bars encased in
Fig. 5.
concrete - specim
en geometry.
broken in a in the concret e further dev lure. A longit crack was ca oke in a broom that the surro y the observe ), where the r the degree o esigned to d ter-laminar s e loaded at a cycles at the ack to the sam modulus of t
desirable man e was formed elopment of c udinal crack w used by the tr -like failure unding conc d frequent fa einforcement f potential d etermine the hear) after the rate of 0.5 kN frequency of e value. For he reinforcem
ner, i.e. alwa at approxim racks in the m as created, w ansverse pres mode. rete actively p ilure of reinf is allowed fre amage of tes residual mech first 100 cyc /s until the m 4 Hz, the sam each level, on ent was dete
ys in the mid ately half the iddle block hich in many sure of the br revents reinf orcement at t e transverse e ted samples anical charac les. Three lev ean load va ple was unlo e sample wa rmined by me
dle block area height of the of the specim cases led to eaking bar on orcement fro he unbonded xpansion. at the begin teristics of th els of cyclic lue in the cyc aded to the st s tested. ans of LVDT
. In the first middle block en was obser the splitting o the concrete m delaminati length of the ning of the e sample (mo loading were le was reache arting position s measureme
phase of load due to the t ved just befo f the middle b , where most on. This find bar (especia cyclic loadin dulus of ela verified (Tab d. After exec at the same nt before exp
ing, a ensile re the lock. of the ing is lly at g, an sticity le 4). uting speed osure
All tran forc rein Thi sam also low exp and The the and
samples were sverse crack e applied. Th forcement fai s longitudinal ples tested br It is obvious confirmed b er load levels To quantify eriment was d strength in in samples wer set number of then loaded b The elasticity
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