PSI - Issue 11
Bruna F. de Andrade et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 76–83 Bruna F. de Andrade et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000
Finally, we hope that the inventory developed by the team of students and teachers of the project fulfills its role of assisting owners and government agencies in the knowledge of the pathologies of the building, to seek funding lines, and to have a base that helps them in the recovery, restoration and preservation of the farmhouse and its tafona. It should also be pointed out that the extension project was a great opportunity for all staff, students and teachers, to learn about the history of the formation of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, rural architecture, lifestyles and its unfolding in the architecture, drawing, surveying, knowledge of pathologies and concepts of preservation and conservation of cultural heritage. 5. Conclusions After this long and meticulous survey process, it became clear that the more complete the survey, the more correct and assertive the assumptions about the property become. This undoubtedly contributes as a mean of protecting the good and does not allow for mistaken or forged interpretations, since whenever possible the data will be included in the inventory. The inventories are essential to reveal not only the constructed building, but all the relations that establish with its surroundings and the history of the place where it’s inserted. They have as a fundamental role to serve as an image of the city, to tell its meanings before the locality, incorporating the architectural production with the landscape and the socio-cultural and economic context where the good is inserted (Carvalho et al., 2011). Although the primary function of the inventory is the production of a record, if well explored, it can establish a type of interdisciplinary diagnosis (Lima, 2004, p.69). From this perspective, the process of investing in the Tafona’s Farm occurred. Covering professionals from diverse areas and with data raise started by the history of the Farm, architectural survey and studies on top of these, in order to "mount" a historical evolution of the building and its current situation. References Carvalho, T.S., Amaral, L.C.P., 2011. Os inventários como instrumentos de preservação: Da identificação ao reconhecimento. In: 9º seminário Docomomo Brasil: Interdisciplinaridade e experiências em documentação e preservação do patrimônio recente. Brasília, Brazil. Costa, L.S.F., Scarpeline R. Nakagawa, E. Y., 2011. Uma proposta teórico-metodológica de inventário patrimonial. Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Cury, I., 2000. Cartas patrimoniais. 2 ed. IPHAN, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Diel, R.A., 2015. O Inventário do Patrimônio Arquitetônico Enxaimel da área rural de Santo Cristo. Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria. Dourado, O., Violltet, E.E., 1993. Restauro: Pretextos. Universidade Federal da Bahia/Faculdade de Arquitetura/Mestrado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Salvador, Brazil. Fonseca, M.C.L., 1997. O Patrimonio em processo: trajetoria da politica federal de preservação no Brasil. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, IPHAN, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ICOMOS, 1990. Carta de Lausanne Icomos, Lausanne, Swiss. 1990.pdf. Lima, E.F.W., Maleque, M.R. (Org.), 2004. Espaço e Cidade: conceitos e leituras. 7Letras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Luccas, L.H.H., 2003. Arquitetura das Estâncias e Fazendas do Rio Grande do Sul. Vitruvius. Arquitextos, n. 110, Motta, L., Silva, M.B.R.,1998. Inventários de identificação: um panorama da experiência brasileira. IPHAN, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rio Grande do Sul., 1995. Anais do Arquivo do Patrimônio Histórico do Rio Grande do Sul. v. 11. Arquivo do Histórico do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Ritzel, M.R.M., 2012. Fazenda da Tafona: razões históricas para o tombamento pelo conselho municipal do patrimônio histórico-cultural. COMPAHC, . Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. Silva, G.V.C., 2004. Inventário de João Pereira Fortes - 1812. Transcrição: Fritz Strohschoen. Cachoeira do Sul: JE Mídia Visual. Silva, M.I.V.C., 2017. Entrevista concedida. Porto Alegre / Cachoeira do Sul videoconferency. Zamin, F., 2016. Tombamento da Fazenda da Atafona. Parecer. In: Processo IPHAE n.001831-11.00/13-1. IPHAE , Porto Alegre , Brazil .
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