PSI - Issue 1

J. Szymanska et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 1 (2016) 297–304 Joanna Szymanska/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2016) 000 – 000



5. Conclusions The outcomes of proceeded studies indicate that all the examined proppants are characterized by proper roundness coefficient and slightly coarse surface. Regular pores arrangement is characteristic for P1 sintered samples what results in their high mechanical strength. There is a risk the largest granules (P2) can be insufficient resistive to high stress values in fracturing environment thus they can flatten and pack together under high closure stresses blocking shale gas extraction. The sintered proppants are stable in strong acidic environment. However, two kinds of proppants are prone to disintegration in fracturing medium based on water. Thus, a fracture may be clogged decreasing its yield. All samples are characterized by low thus bulk density that results in their facilitated transport in liquid medium. Addition of ash particles to the one of proppant series results in their reduced mass and increased mechanical strength. To sum up, the investigated light ceramic proppants perform properties which enable their application for hydraulic fracturing in strict geological conditions determined by extremely high pressure, temperature and low permeability of shale formations. The granules fulfil the norms thus state a prospective material on a global proppants market. Acknowledgements Financial support of BLUE GAS financed from The National Centre for Research and Development- Project “Optimizing the lightweight high strength and low specific gravity ceramic proppants production technology maximally using naturally occurring Polish raw materials and f ly ash”, No. BG1/BALTICPROPP/13 is gratefully acknowledged. Bankong Arop, J., 2011. Geomechanical Review of Hydraulic Fracturing Technology, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology. Beckiwith, R, 2011.. Proppants: Where in the world. BP. BP Energy Outlook 2035. 2014. Ciechanowska, M., Kasza, P., Lubaś, J., Matyasik, I., Such, P. 2012. Instytut Nafty i Gazu, Raport nt. Uwarunkowania rozwoju wydobycia gazu z polskich formacji łupkowych, Forum Energetyczne, Sopot. Don, L., 2011. Proppants open production Pathways. Kullman, J., Palisch, T. T. ,Chapman, M., Duenckel, R., Woolfolk, S., How to Use and Misuse Proppant Crush Tests – Exposing The Top 10 Myths. Ottestad, E., 2013. Proppants, properties and requirements, NTNU. Polish Geological Survey, 2013. Shale gas as seen. Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute. Proppants,2010. Reinicken, A., Rybacki,e.,Stanchits,S., Huenges,E.,Dresen,G.,2010. Hydraulic fracturing stimulation techniques and formation damage mechanisms — Implications from laboratory testing of tight sandstone – proppant systems, Chemie der Erde, 70 S3, 107 – 117. Richerson,, D.W., 2006. Modern ceramic engineering: properties, processing and use in design. Schlumberger, 2014. High pressure, High temperature (HPHT), Weaver, J.D., Nguyen, P.D., Parker, M.A., van Batenburg, D., 2005. Sustaining fracture conductivity. SPE 94666. Wozniak, P., 2013. The need for a debate on the shale gas in Europe, European National Geological Surveys have their role to play, Przeglad Geologiczny, 61, 11/1. Wozniak, P., Janus, D., 2013. Gaz z łupków, in „Nauka i Technika”. Szczelinowanie i ceramiczne proppanty cz.1. Woźniak, P., Janus, D., 2013. Gaz z łupków, N auka i Technika, Szczelinowanie i ceramiczne proppanty cz.2. Woźniak, P., Janus D., 2013. Gaz z łupków, Nauka i Technika, Jaki proppant jest każdy widzi – czyli o metodach wyznaczania parametrów charakterystycznych i o producentach. Woznicka, M., 2013. What could be the impact of shale gas exploitation on the water management?, Przeglad Geologiczny”,61, 11/1. References

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