Issue 68

H. Mostafa et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 68 (2024) 19-44; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.68.02

Furthermore, varying the spacing of molded gratings presents an intriguing area for exploration. Modifying the spacing between gratings may influence the structural behavior and load-carrying capacity of RC flat slabs. A systematic study on the impact of different grating spacings on punching shear resistance could lead to recommendations for optimal spacing configurations. This study enables designers to tailor reinforcement strategies based on specific project requirements. Additionally, investigating the use of pultruded gratings as a reinforcement system represents an avenue for future research. Pultruded gratings, known for their high strength and durability, could offer distinct mechanical properties compared to molded gratings. An examination of their performance in punching shear resistance in RC flat slabs under various loading conditions would provide valuable data for engineers and researchers seeking optimal FRP reinforcement solutions. [1] Swamy, R. N., and Ali, S. A. R. 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