Issue 68

K. W. Nindhita et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 68 (2024) 140-158; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.68.09

 The result of the compressive strength value in self-healing concrete will align with the result of the ductility, flexural strength, and stiffness of the concrete for the increasing and decreasing value for mechanical properties of self healing concrete.  The self-healing process in corroded concrete can still occur after the concrete has cracked. The self-healing process in concrete begins on the 14th day after cracking occurs. The self-healing process will continue as the days go by, and an accumulation of calcite will form, further closing the cracks in the concrete.  The process of forming calcite in crack gaps can reduce the corrosion process in concrete reinforcement, but it cannot significantly affect the strength of the concrete. The percentage of its use as an additional material has an optimal limit that can influence the mechanical properties of concrete.  All concrete beams show a shear crack pattern due to the load distribution evenly throughout the concrete beam reinforcement until the load distribution ends at the concrete stirrup reinforcement.  The addition of variations in bacterial encapsulation as a self-healing agent in concrete has not been able to drastically increase the mechanical properties values of concrete, especially the compressive strength and flexural strength values. However, it has potential as a corrosion inhibitor agent in reinforced concrete because of its ability to produce calcite and act as an additional layer of protection for concrete reinforcement. [1] Yip, B. F., Haniffah, M. R. M., Kasiman, E. H., and Abidin, A. R. Z. (2022). Research Progress On Microbial Self Healing Concrete, Jurnal Teknologi, 84(3), pp. 25-45. DOI: 10.11113/jurnalteknologi.v84.17895. [2] Akhtar, J. N., Khan, R. A., Khan, R. A., Akhtar, M. N., and Nejem, J. K. (2022). Influence of Natural Zeolite and Mineral additive on Bacterial Self-healing Concrete: A Review, Civil Engineering Journal, 8(5), pp. 1069-1085. DOI: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-05-015. [3] Prayuda, H., Soebandono, B., Dwi Cahyati, M., and Monika, F. (2020). Repairing of Flexural Cracks on Reinforced Self-Healing Concrete Beam using Bacillus Subtillis Bacteria, The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12, pp. 300-309. DOI: 10.30880/ijie.2020.12.04029. [4] Karimi, N. and Mostofinejad, D. (2020). Bacillus subtilis bacteria used in fiber reinforced concrete and their effects on concrete penetrability, Construction and Building Materials, 230, pp. 117051-117059. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117051. [5] Zaki, A., Chai, H. K., Aggelis, D. G., and Alver, N. (2015). Non-Destructive Evaluation for Corrosion Monitoring in Concrete: A Review and Capability of Acoustic Emission Technique, Sensors (Basel), 15(8), pp. 19069-19101. DOI: 10.3390/s150819069. [6] Ramón, J. E., Castillo, Á., and Martínez, I. (2021). On-site corrosion monitoring experience in concrete structures: potential improvements on the current-controlled polarization resistance method, Materiales de Construcción, 71(344), pp. 265-276. DOI: 10.3989/mc.2021.11221. [7] Zaki, A., Megat Johari, M. A., Wan Hussin, W. M. A., and Jusman, Y. (2018). Experimental Assessment of Rebar Corrosion in Concrete Slab Using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), International Journal of Corrosion, pp. 1-10. DOI: 10.1155/2018/5389829. [8] Astuti, P., Rafdinal, R. S., Yamamoto, D., Andriamisaharimanana, V., and Hamada, H. (2022). Effective Use of Sacrificial Zinc Anode as a Suitable Repair Method for Severely Damaged RC Members Due to Chloride Attack, Civil Engineering Journal, 8(7), pp. 1535-1548. DOI: 10.28991/cej-2022-08-07-015. [9] Koleva, D. A. (2018). An Innovative Approach to Control Steel Reinforcement Corrosion by Self-Healing, Materials, 11(2), pp. 309-335. DOI: 10.3390/ma11020309. [10] Gao, Y., Suryanto, B., Chai, H. K., and Forde, M. C. (2021). Evaluating the effect of corrosion on shear-critical RC beams by integrated NDT, Developments in the Built Environment, 7, pp. 100050-100063. DOI: 10.1016/j.dibe.2021.100050. [11] Astuti, P., Kamarulzaman, K., and Hamada, H. (2021). Non-Destructive Investigation of a 44-Year-Old RC Structure Exposed to Actual Marine Tidal Environments Using Electrochemical Methods, International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13(3), pp. 148-157. DOI: 10.30880/ijie.2021.13.03.018. [12] Li, W., Wu, M., Shi, T., Yang, P., Pan, Z., Liu, W., Liu, J., and Yang, X. (2022). Experimental Investigation of the Relationship between Surface Crack of Concrete Cover and Corrosion Degree of Steel Bar Using Fractal Theory, Fractal and Fractional, 6(6), pp. 325-340. DOI: 10.3390/fractalfract6060325. R EFERENCES


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