Issue 59
M. Madqour et al, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 59 (2022) 62-77; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.59.05
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Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block = n tf wf, area of FRP external reinforcement Area of non-prestressed steel reinforcement Width of rectangular cross-section
A frp
A s
b c d
Distance from extreme compression fiber to the neutral axis
The effective depth of the beam
E c Modulus of elasticity of concrete E frp or E f Tensile modulus of elasticity of FRP E s and E c Modulus of elasticity of steel and concrete f c The compressive strength of the concrete f fe
Effective stress in FRP; stress level attained at section failure Yield strength of non-prestressed steel reinforcement
f y c f h
Compressive strength of concrete
Overall depth of the beam
Moment of inertia of cracked section transformed to concrete
I cr k m
Bond-reduction coefficient for flexure
k The ratio of the depth of the neutral axis to reinforcement depth measured on the same side of the neutral axis M DL Bending moment due to dead-load M n Nominal bending moment n Number of FRP layers t f Nominal thickness of one ply of FRP reinforcement T frp Tensile force in FRP T s Tensile force in steel β 1 The ratio of the depth of equivalent rectangular stress block to the depth of neutral axis ε bi Strain level in the concrete substrate at the time of FRP installation Concrete compressive strain ε ci Initial strain in extreme compression fiber ε cl Additional strain in extreme compression fiber after strengthening and loading ε cu Maximum usable compressive strain in concrete ε 0 The corresponding compressive strain at the compressive strength ε fd Debonding strain of externally bonded FRP reinforcement, (mm/mm) ε fe Effective strain level in FRP reinforcement; strain level attained at section failure ε frp Strain level in FRP reinforcement ε frpu Strain in FRP at the point of incipient rupture ε frpl Additional strain in extreme tension fiber after strengthening and loading
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