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FEM Modeling In order to model the concrete samples, the finite element approximation is used [12]. We consider a quadrilateral element (Fig. A.1) the element is defined by four nodes in natural coordinates ( ξ , η ). The coordinates are interpolated and given as follows [15]:
4 4 1 1 i i i i N u v
N v
i i
Where u , v represents the displacements fields at any point of the element and u i , v i ; the nodal displacements.
Figure A.1. Quadrilateral Q4 element in natural coordinates ( ξ , η ).
N i represents the standard interpolation functions which are given by:
1 4
( ) ( ) l
(1 )(1 )
( , ) N l
1 4
( ) ( ) l
(1 )(1 )
( , ) N l
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