Issue 56
Fracture and Structural Integrity, 56 (2021); ISSN 1971-9883
K. Fawzy, H. Hassan, M. Madqour Experimental and analytical investigations of reinforced concrete beams strengthened by different CFRP sheet schemes ….………………………….………………………………… 123-136 M. M. Konieczny, H. Achtelik, G. Gasiak Influence of the applied layer on the state of stress in a bimetallic perforated plate under two load variants …………………………..................................................................................... 137-150 S. Melais, M. F. Bouali, A. Melaikia, A. Amirat Effects of coarse sand dosage on the physic-mechanical behavior of sand concrete …………...… 151-159 M. Ravikumar, H. N. Reddappa, R. Suresh, Y. S Ram Mohan, C. R. Nagaraja, E. R. Babu Investigations on tensile fractography and wear characteristics of Al7075-Al 2 O 3 -SiC Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites routed through liquid metallurgical techniques …………………... 160-170 S. I. Eleonsky, V.S. Pisarev, M.D. Zajtsev, M.Ch. Zichenkov, M.R. Abdullin, Residual stresses near cold-expanded hole at different stages of high-cycle fatigue by crack compliance data …………………………………………………………………… 171-186 I. Boudjemaa, A. Sahli, A. Benkhettou, S. Benbarek Effect of multi-layer prosthetic foam liner on the stresses at the stump–prosthetic interface ……... 187-194 A. Moulgada, D. Ait kaci, A. Sahli, M. E. Zagane, R. Zahi Study of mechanical behavior by fatigue of a cracked plate repaired by different composite patches 195-202 K. C. Nehar, D. Benamara Experimental study and modeling of the mechanical behavior of recycled aggregates-based high- strength concrete …………………………………………………………....……… 203-216 M. K. Wasekar, M. P. Khond Analysis of the influence of reinforcements on the microstructure and mechanical characterization of the Al-Flyash composites …………………………………………………………. 217-228 A. Mohamed Ben Ali, S. Bouziane, H. Bouzerd Computation of mode I Strain Energy Release Rate of symmetrical and asymmetrical sandwich structures using mixed finite element ………………………….………………………. 229-239
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