Issue 56
Fracture and Structural Integrity, 56 (2021); ISSN 1971-9883
FIS news
ear friends, in this editorial I wish to share with you some information about the improvements of Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale ( Fracture and Structural Integrity ). Born in 2007 (first issue: July 2007), indexed in Scopus since 2012 and in WoS since 2015, the journal published more than 1000 papers in 14 years (with about 4000 submissions). Well… these numbers are really impressive but… is there a community around our Journal? I have the pleasure to tell you that the answer is absolutely positive. According to Google Analytics, in three years the users number increased from 9185 (2017) to 29905 (2020), with the number of visualized pages that increased from 35061 (2017) to 113271 (2020):
The 2020 users geographical distribution is clearly shown in the following figure (always from Google Analytics)
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