Issue 71
Fracture and Structural Integrity 71 (2025); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture
Fracture and Structural Integrity (Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale) is an Open Access journal affiliated with ESIS
Sister Associations help the journal managing Algeria: Algerian Association on Fracture Mechanics and Energy -AGFME Australia: Australian Fracture Group – AFG Czech Rep.: Asociace Strojních Inženýr ů (Association of Mechanical Engineers) Greece: Greek Society of Experimental Mechanics of Materials - GSEMM India: Indian Structural Integrity Society - InSIS Israel: Israel Structural Integrity Group - ISIG Italy: Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia - AIM Italy: Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica ed Applicata - AIMETA Italy:
Società Scientifica Italiana di Progettazione Meccanica e Costruzione di Macchine - AIAS Group of Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics of Materials and Structures
Poland: Portugal:
Portuguese Structural Integrity Society - APFIE Romania: Asociatia Romana de Mecanica Ruperii - ARMR Serbia:
Structural Integrity and Life Society "Prof. Stojan Sedmak" - DIVK Grupo Espanol de Fractura - Sociedad Espanola de Integridad Estructural – GEF
Spain: Turkey: Ukraine:
Turkish Solid Mechanics Group
Ukrainian Society on Fracture Mechanics of Materials (USFMM)
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