Issue 69

M. B. Prince et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 69 (2024) 154-180; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.69.12

Figure 20: Contact status of bonded region of concrete-reinforcement of reference specimen C1R20.

Figure 21: Cracking propagation in reference specimen C1R20.

Figure 22: Bond Stress Vs Slip for reference specimen E1R16-60.

Reference specimens expected to have splitting-pullout failure Bond stress-slip behavior

Fig. 22 shows the experimental and finite element bond stress vs. slip behavior of the reference specimen E1R16-60, whose failure has been predicted as splitting or splitting-pullout failure. Due to having a distinct softening region in the bond-slip curve, the splitting-pullout failure pattern has been confirmed later. Several bond stress-to-slip relationships, i.e., analytical models [2-8], have been considered in the finite element analysis. All the analytical models performed well in predicting the bond stress-to-slip behavior in the elastic regime. The finite element bond stress at peak resistance showed 0.04 ~ 2.11 MPa deviation compared to the experimental result. The FEM developed using the analytical model by Esfahani and Rangan [4]


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