Issue 69

M. B. Prince et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 69 (2024) 154-180; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.69.12

Harajli et al. [5]. The details of calculating these stiffness coefficients and damage initiation parameters are shown in Tab. 6. Moreover, the softening region of the bond-slip relationship has been considered linear in the damage evolution segment in ABAQUS.The calculated parameters have been assigned to cohesive contact interaction property, and surface-to-surface contact has been assigned to the bonded region of reinforcement and concrete (see Fig. 10). For reference specimens of Tang and Cheng [12], the transverse reinforcements have been embedded in concrete cubes without considering any cohesive interaction to avoid complexity . Finite element mesh In this study, a mesh size of 10 mm is used for both concrete cube and reinforcement. In the concrete cube, 4800 hexagonal elements have been created. In reinforcement, a total of 324 hexagonal elements have been created. The finite element mesh of the reference specimen C1R20 [21] is shown in Fig. 11.

Figure 6: Analytical bond stress-slip relationship for monotonic loading [2].

Figure 7: Traction separation law available in ABAQUS [34].


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