Issue 69

D. Leonetti et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 69 (2024) 142-153; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.69.11

Figure 4: The surface characteristics of the fatigue crack growth specimen. Under each figure the crack length L , stress intensity factor range Δ K , and crack growth rate, d a /d N , are presented. (a), (c), for the load ratio R = 0.1, and (b), (d), for R = 0.5. Rotating bending The results of the rotating bending tests ( R = - 1) are shown in Fig. 5, where the graph relates the number of cycles to test termination with the stress amplitude σ a . In total, 11 specimens have been tested, resulting in 8 failed and 3 non-failed specimens. The failed test data have been inferred using a Basquin type of equation: log 10 (N)=a 1 +m 1 · log 10 ( σ a ) [24]. It results that the median curve is characterized by a 1 = 24.1 and m 1 = -7.04, and the unbiased estimator for the standard deviation of the base 10 logarithm of the fatigue life, i.e. calculated considering 8-2=6 degrees of freedom, is s log10(N) = 0.104. Below, Tab. 4 summarizes the test results.

500 600 700 800

Failed Specimens Non-failed Specimens Basquin Relation



Stress Amplitude [MPa]

300 1.00E+04





Figure 5: Rotating bending test results.


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