Issue 68

Z. Moqadaszadeh et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 68 (2024) 186-196; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.68.12

Crack growth takes place in a perfectly straight path parallel to the line of original crack when the HCSP is exposed to pure mode I loading. Mixed-mode fracture of HCSP specimens propagates along curvilinear trajectories and does not follow the original crack’s line . It becomes apparent from fig. (7), the angles of crack propagation predicted utilizing GSED criterion are highly consistent with the observed fracture angle of broken HCSP specimens. Negative T decreases the value of predicted CPA in contrary to a positive one. The T led to discrepancy between experimental results and conventional SED criterion especially in mode II dominant angles.

Figure 7: Prediction of GSED criterion for mixed-mode CPA of Harsin marble obtained by HCSP specimen. New experimental records and theoretical results of in-plane mixed-mode fracture toughness estimation using GSED and SED criteria are shown in fig. (8). The singular terms of the preceding stress field were employed by SED criterion to evaluate the beginning of fracture for a complete spectrum of in-plane mixed-mode loading. Significant discrepancies among experimental and theoretical results provided from conventional SED criterion are shown, especially in mode II dominant angles due to the absence of T (see fig. (8)). The deviation between theoretical predications from SED criterion with experimental results is eliminated by utilizing a generalized criterion which is considering the influence of nonsingular term. According to this generalized criterion, the value and sign of T led to the reduction or increase of in-plane mixed-mode fracture toughness. Although a negative T, enhances the in-plane mixed-mode fracture toughness, the strain energy density capacity is reduced while the T is positive.

Figure 8: Estimation of GSED criterion for in-plane mixed-mode fracture toughness of white Harsin marble attained by HCSP specimen. The effect of T is more pronounced for materials having larger value of c r . According to the fig. (3), the normalized representation of T has a significant value in dominant mode II besides the II K which means the brittle fracture is governed under the influence of singular and non-singular terms. Critical radius of Harsin marble ( 3 c r mm  ), Nayriz marble


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