Issue 67

D. Fellah et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 67 (2014) 58-79; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.67.05


Type of concrete

RC25 26.43 24.95 0.002 0.0019

RC50 25.65 25.31 0.0021 0.0023

RC75 24.84 24.48 0.0022 0.0023

27.13 24.75

Experimental pic stress Numerical pic stress Experimental pic strain Numerical pic strain



Table 7: Numerical and experimental pic stress and strain.

From the results shown in the previous figures and Tab. 7, it can be seen that the numerical model describes well the behavior of concrete. The slope of the numerical stress-strain curve is close to that of the experimental curve, the numerical model estimates correctly the maximum stress. However, the numerical strain at the peak is slightly overestimated compared with the experimental results. Simulation results with literature Xiao et al [4] In this last applications, we apply the nonlinear homogenization modelling to simulate the compressive behavior of recycled concretes studied experimentally in [4]. In this work, 5 types of concrete are formulated based on ordinary Portland cement with a compressive strength of 32.5 MPa. The formulation and the physical properties of the natural aggregates and the recycled aggregates are reported in Tabs. 1-2 in [4]. The RA used is from the waste concrete brought from the runway of an airport in Shanghai, PR China. Tab. 8 presents the experimental and numerical stress and strain peak, from results, the experimental pic stress and strain of NC is 26.07 MPa and 0.0018, respectively, however the values shown by the model are 26.25 MPa and 0.0019, and the model overestimated the pic stress and strain by 0.7% and 5%. For RC100, the experimental pic stress and strain are 23.56MPa and 0.0023, respectively, whereas the numerical model estimates a pic stress and strain of 24.49 MPa and 0.0021, respectively, then the pic stress is underestimated by 3% and the pic strain is overestimated by 8%. The maximum stress estimated at the peak is well predicted, as well as the ultimate strain, in the post peak phase, even if the stress decreases the strain increases, and thus the model predicts almost in perfect agreement.

Type of concrete







Experimental pic stress






Numerical pic stress





Experimental pic strain 0.0018





Numerical pic strain






Table 8: Numerical and experimental pic stress and strain.

Fig.13.a, 13.b, 13.c and 13.d show the numerical simulations of the compressive behavior of different RC (RC30, RC50, RC70 and RC100) obtained by the nonlinear secant homogenization model, compared to the experimental data [4]. In the linear phase, the numerical slope is nearly identical to that obtained experimentally. The proposed nonlinear homogenization model allows to correctly estimate the behavior in compression especially before the peak whatever the fraction of recycled aggregates in the concrete. In addition, the maximum stresses of the different concretes are correctly predicted. It can be seen that even though the nonlinear homogenization model reproduces globally correct softening behavior after the peak, a non-negligible overestimation can be observed. This overestimation decreases when the fraction of recycled aggregates increases. These encouraging results concern the results obtained by an approximation of the local fields by their average that is considering a classical secant linearization which tends to overestimate the nonlinear behavior compared to a modified secant linearization [42] and [43]. As already presented previously, this approximation link the stress field linearized by the quadratic mean to the local strain field, for the construction of the nonlinear secant homogenization model. Other ways for improvement can also be envisaged, namely the consideration of a damage law with the consideration of the concrete lateral damage. The difficulty lies in particular in the step of identifying the model parameters, which is an essential step for its prediction efficiency.


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