Issue 67
T. Diburov et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 67 (2024) 259-279; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.67.19
Planning prosthetics with zygomatic implants
A digital skull model based on CT data
“Improvement” of the solid model of the skull; conversion to FEM based model presetting both properties and boundary conditions, preliminary determination of the type and position of the implants
Calculation of SSS, determination of critical stresses and strains under an axial load of the “skull-implant-denture prosthesis” structure
Has the bone fracture criterion been met?
Correction dimensions of the implants
Calculation of SSS, determination of critical stresses and strains under the axial load of the “skull-implant-denture prosthesis” structure
Correction of the attachment points for the implants at the zygomatic bones
Has the bone fracture criterion been met?
Optimization of the “skull-implant prosthesis” structure
Strategy and tactics of a surgical operation for the installation of the implants
Figure 13: The algorithm of the FEM-based computer simulation for planning prosthetics with zygomatic implants.
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