PSI - Issue 66
Davide D’Andrea et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 66 (2024) 449–458 D’Andrea et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2025) 000–000
5. Conclusion In the present work the Static Thermographic Method and the Risitano’s Thermographic Method have been applied to assess, respectively, the first damage within the material and the fatigue limit in a rapid way and with low material consumption. The limit stress, applying the STM is equal to σ lim = 30.2±1.4 MPa, while the fatigue limit is equal to σ 0 RTM = 31.8 MPa. The findings are in good agreement, even with constant amplitude fatigue test from other literature work. Infrared thermography and Thermographic Methods can be adopted as a valid aid to rapidly assess the fatigue strength of additive manufactured materials. Further development of the present work will include the complete fatigue characterization of the MJF PA12. Acknowledgements The authors thank the MT-Ortho company for producing the specimens. References [1] Z. Xu, Y. Wang, D. Wu, K.P. Ananth, J. Bai, The process and performance comparison of polyamide 12 manufactured by multi jet fusion and selective laser sintering, J Manuf Process 47 (2019) 419–426. [2] M. Khorasani, E. MacDonald, D. Downing, A. Ghasemi, M. Leary, J. Dash, E. Sharabian, A. Almalki, M. Brandt, S. Bateman, Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) of polymeric components: A review of process, properties and opportunities, Addit Manuf 91 (2024) 104331. [3] Z. Liu, P. Zhang, M. Yan, Y. Xie, G. Huang, Z. Liu, P. Zhang, M. Yan, Y. Xie, G. Huang, Additive manufacturing of specific ankle-foot orthoses for persons after stroke: A preliminary study based on gait analysis data, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 2019 6:8134 16 (2019) 8134–8143. [4] A. Zakręcki, J. Cieślik, A. Bazan, P. Turek, Innovative Approaches to 3D Printing of PA12 Forearm Orthoses: A Comprehensive Analysis of Mechanical Properties and Production Efficiency, Materials 2024, Vol. 17, Page 663 17 (2024) 663. [5] B. Yelamanchi, B. Mummareddy, C.C. Santiago, B. Ojoawo, K. Metsger, B. Helfferich, J. Zapka, F. Sillani, E. MacDonald, P. Cortes, Mechanical and fatigue performance of pressurized vessels fabricated with Multi Jet Fusion TM for automotive applications, Addit Manuf 44 (2021) 102048. [6] M. Galati, F. Calignano, S. Defanti, L. Denti, Disclosing the build-up mechanisms of multi jet fusion: Experimental insight into the characteristics of starting materials and finished parts, J Manuf Process 57 (2020) 244–253. [7] M. Mele, G. Campana, G. Pisaneschi, G.L. Monti, Investigation into effects of cooling rate on properties of polyamide 12 parts in the multi jet fusion process, Rapid Prototyp J 26 (2020) 1789–1795. [8] G. La Rosa, A. Risitano, Thermographic methodology for rapid determination of the fatigue limit of materials and mechanical components, Int J Fatigue 22 (2000) 65–73. 1123(99)00088-2. [9] G. Fargione, A. Geraci, G. La Rosa, A. Risitano, Rapid determination of the fatigue curve by the thermographic method, Int J Fatigue 24 (2002) 11–19. [10] A. Risitano, G. Risitano, Determining fatigue limits with thermal analysis of static traction tests, Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct 36 (2013) 631–639. [11] P. Corigliano, F. Cucinotta, E. Guglielmino, G. Risitano, D. Santonocito, Thermographic analysis during tensile tests and fatigue assessment of S355 steel, Procedia Structural Integrity 18 (2019) 280–286. [12] C. Douellou, X. Balandraud, E. Duc, B. Verquin, F. Lefebvre, F. Sar, Fast fatigue characterization by infrared thermography for additive manufacturing, Procedia Structural Integrity 19 (2019) 90–100.
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