PSI - Issue 66
Ramdane Boukellif et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 66 (2024) 55–70 Ramdane Boukellif et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2025) 000 – 000
Fig. 13. (a) Comparison of the crack paths with and without residual stresses; (b) after kinking with and without residual stresses (Boukellif et al. (2024)). The crack growth simulation taking the residual stresses into account was continued and stopped shortly before complete spalling, see Fig. 14. The crack growth occurred almost under Mode I loading. In this case, spalling is to be expected.
Fig. 14. Crack path after 13 crack increments with conceding of residual stresses (Boukellif et al. (2024)).
3.3. Phase II: RCF / Consideration of the complex load situation
3.3.1. Hollow shaft Crack growth simulations under rolling contact fatigue in the hollow shaft were carried out considering the residual stresses and complex loads. An initial crack with a length of 0.2 mm is made at the notch with a length of 1 mm (see Fig. 15).
Fig. 15. 2D-Simulation model for the hollow shaft (Boukellif et al. (2024)).
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