PSI - Issue 66
Carl H. Wolf et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 66 (2024) 26–37 2 Carl H. Wolf, Sebastian Henkel, Christian Düreth, Maik Gude and Horst Biermann / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2025) 000–000
direction lead to interlaminar shear stresses, which can cause delamination which can ultimately yield fatigue failure of the material. To investigate the influence of these bolt-rivet connections on the fatigue properties of FRP components, specimens made of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic composite (CFRP) specimens with a hole-notch arrangement were tested. For this purpose, a test setup developed for this load case was used, which represents the superposition of stresses on the connecting elements [1, 2, 10]. So far, there are no established test specifications and analysis methods for this test method to determine the critical energy release rates based on the external loads. As soon as a crack is present in a specimen, the crack tip loading is currently only determined using finite element (FE) calculations. The aim of the current study is therefore to develop a measurement method for determining the crack tip loading using a local measurement concept. The measurement concept is validated by a stress analysis using FE analysis and a comparison with fatigue data of Sutton [8], who investigated fatigue crack propagation in an epoxy polymer, Yao [16], who investigated Mode I fatigue delamination growth in composite laminates with fiber bridging and DCB-specimen under pure Mode I fatigue delamination growth made of the same material [12].
Figure 1: Schematic illustration of a joint of two CFRP components with possible interlaminar cracks/delamination (red lines). Nomenclature CFRP carbon fiber-reinforced plastic composite DIC digital image correlation E Youngs’s modulus E I , E II Youngs’s modulus in direction of Mode I or rather Mode II crack opening direction FE finite element FRP fiber-reinforced plastic composites f camera image acquisition frequency of the camera f machine test frequency of the servo-hydraulic testing system F compression, F tension compressive or rather tensile force F tension, amplitude amplitude of the tensile force F tension, mean mean tensile force G energy release rate G I (t), G II (t), G eq (t) time dependant Mode I, Mode II or rather equivalent energy release rate G general cyclic energy release rate G eq equivalent energy release rate G eq, Clip , G eq, FE equivalent energy release rate determined by virtual measuring clip or FE analysis, respectively G I , G II Mode I or Mode II energy release rate K general stress intensity factor K eq, min (t), K eq, max (t) time dependant Mode I, Mode II or equivalent stress intensity factor K eq equivalent stress intensity factor K I (t), K II (t), K eq (t) time dependant Mode I, Mode II or equivalent stress intensity factor K general cyclic stress intensity factor K I , K II Mode I or Mode II stress intensity factor 4 crack opening displacement with a gauge length of 4 mm 5 crack opening displacement with a gauge length of 5 mm S , 4, S crack opening displacement (with a gauge length of 4 mm) perpendicular to crack
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