PSI - Issue 65
A.Y. Morkina et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 65 (2024) 158–162
Morkina A.Y., et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2024) 000–000
metals was first discovered by Troitsky, (1969) during the study of a Zn single crystal. The electroplastic effect allows metals and alloys to be deformed under lower loads, while simultaneously minimizing the thermal impact on their internal structural properties, see Stolyarov and Misochenko (2023), Izadpanah et al. (2023), Dong et al. (2022), Guvenc et al. (2023), Kawecka et al. (2024). Consequently, this progress contributes to a reduction in the energy costs associated with the manufacture of components, compared to traditional methods of material processing using pressure, Zhan et al. (2023), Lv et al. (2021), Qian et al. (2021), Pochivalov (2023), Li et al. (2021), Perkins et al. (2007), Perkins and Roth (2005) , Korznikova (2020). One of the main hypotheses proposed (Dimitrov et al, 2020) and explaining the phenomenon of a decrease in the yield strength of a material in the presence of an electric current is the assumption of the localization of Joule heat on lattice defects, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in potential barriers to their migration. In addition, there is the electron wind hypothesis, Li et al. (2022), He et al. (2023). It lies in the fact that with a sufficiently high current density and the transition of the material to a plastic state, electrons begin to move at high speed, forming the so-called electron wind. This electron wind affects the atoms of the material and causes it to deform, which is called electroplasticity. The electroplastic effect has many properties. It is able to positively influence the microstructure. A method for self-healing of metallic materials based on microstructure restoration using subsecond electrical pulses was proposed (Jeong et al, 2020). As a result, an athermal effect occurred, which was not due to Joule heating. It also improves the mechanical properties of materials. Thus, in the work of (Kim et al., 2016), it was shown that passing an electric current during tension of an Al-Mg-Si alloy can promote annealing, aging and the formation of voids during tension. The purpose of this work is to study the effect of electric current pulses on the plastic deformation of aluminum wires of the KAS 8176 grade.
2. Materials and methodology
In this work, aluminum wire of the KAS 8176 grade was used as specimens, the chemical composition of which is given in Table 1. The specimens were cut to a length of 360 mm, their diameter was 1.79 mm.
Table 1. Chemical composition of KAS 8176 aluminum
Mass fraction of element
Al no less
Impurities, no more
0.03-0.15 0.40-0.15
To study the specimens using EBSD analysis, a certain preparation was required, which included cutting the specimens into plates using the electric spark method, after which these plates were gradually mechanically thinned using sandpaper and polishing with diamond paste. EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction) analysis was performed on a Tescan Mira 3LMH scanning electron microscope using the built-in software "CHANNEL 5.0". EBSD inverse pole figures (IPF) map, and the corresponding misorientation angle distribution for aluminum wire in the longitudinal direction are shown in Fig. 1. It is evident that the structure in the studied specimens is recrystallized with random orientation. The average grain size is 7.6 ± 0.3 μm.
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