PSI - Issue 65

M.A. Skotnikova et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 65 (2024) 248–254 M.A. Skotnikova, A.Y. Ryabikin, A.D. Shestakov, L.D. Tuptei, A.D. Novokshenov / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2024) 000–000 3


3. Results and discussion

In the course of the conducted studies, hardness, torque (Mtr) and coefficient of friction, weight wear were evaluated. The relative wear resistance (  ) was calculated as the ratio of the wear value of the base steel 09G2S to the wear value of the studied wear-resistant steel (see Table 2). Wear resistance  increased in the direction of 1.0 → 7.9 → 18.1 in steels 09G2S → Hardox 450 → Quard 450, respectively. Metallographic studies of the friction sites of steel rollers before and after the tests made it possible to establish their single mechanism of surface destruction – abrasive wear (Fig. 2, b, f). However, at the friction sites of the tested samples made of Quard 450 steel with maximum wear resistance, traces of martensitic transformation were additionally found at the friction sites (Fig. 2, d).







Fig. 2 Metallographic image of the friction pads of the samples (rollers) before the test (a, c, e); after the test (b, d, f) of the steels 09G2S (a, b), Quard 450 (c, d) and Hardox 450 (e, f)

To identify the relationship between the moment of friction Mtr (the output characteristic of the tribosystem) and wear resistance  (the generalized value of tribo-tension), for the studied steels 09G2S, Quard 450 and Hardox 450, standardized graphs of fluctuations of friction moments after testing in the time interval from 1 hour to 1 hour and

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