PSI - Issue 65
D.S. Bezverkhy et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 65 (2024) 17–24
D. S. Bezverkhy and N. S. Kondratev / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2024) 000–000
Fig. 4. Intensity fields of stresses and strains of the workpiece cross sections at the end of each stage of hot upsetting.
The multilevel material model developed by the authors taking into account dynamic recrystallization (Bezverkhy D. S. & Kondratev N. S. (in Print)) is used to study individual subareas of a cube-shaped workpiece, obtained as a result of three successive hot upsetting operations. Individual material points (representative macrovolumes) of a cubic workpiece, shown in Fig. 5 (a), were selected for the study. Point A is located near the cube corner, point B is located in the cube center, point C is the point with the maximum intensity stress of the workpiece, point D is the point with the maximum intensity strains of workpiece. The impacts on the considered material points correspond to the values obtained as a result of solving the boundary value problem using the phenomenological model. The impacts dependences D ij for material points A, B, C and D transmitted to the multilevel model according to the Voigt hypothesis are shown in Fig. 5 (b). Characteristic changes in the deformation trajectory associated with a change in the movement direction of the tool planes in three mutually perpendicular directions can be seen.
Fig. 5. Material points selected for study using a multilevel model (a); strain rate tensor D ij components for the considered material points (b).
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