Issue 65

V. S. Uppin et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 65 (2023) 17-31; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.65.02



he authors would like to acknowledge the appraise their appreciation to the organization for providing the required facilities at the Research Center, Mechanical engineering department of SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad for their motivation and backing throughout the investigations .


LE- Lower Elongation Fiber HE- Higher Elongation Fiber ɛ f - Final failure strain of the high material σ f- Final failure stress of the high strain material α - Young’s modulus ratio of the low to high strain material β - Thickness ratio of the low to high strain material σ @LF - Laminate stress at low strain material failure σ @HF - Laminate stress at high strain material failure σ @del - Stress in the laminate at which delamination propagates m -Weibull modulus of high strain material strength distribution SH-Strength of the high strain material SL-Strength of the low strain material Ṥ L-Strength distribution average of the low strain material EH -Modulus of the high strain material t H -Half thickness of the high strain material V-Volume of the specimen G IIC -Mode II critical strain energy release rate Kt - Stress concentration factor UD-Uni directional QI- Quasi Isotropic


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