Issue 64

M. A. Kenanda et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 64 (2023) 266-282; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.64.18

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 The stress resultants N , M , S , and Q are defined by:

 h 2 -h 2

x y xy N ,N ,N =

σ , σ , τ



x y xy

 h 2 -h 2

z z N = g'(z) σ dz


 h 2 -h 2

x y xy M ,M ,M =

σ , σ , τ



x y xy

 h 2 -h 2

x y xy S ,S ,S =

x y xy σ , σ , τ f(z)dz


 h 2 -h 2

xz yz Q ,Q =

xz yz τ , τ g(z)dz


 The moments of inertia

ij (D ) are defined as:

h 2




ρ  -h 2 i D = (z) 1, z, z ,f(z), zf(z),(f(z)) , g(z),(g(z)) dz i = 1,8



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