Issue 64
Y. Li et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 64 (2023) 250-265; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.64.17
In this work, firstly, the fatigue decision system of welded joints is constructed, then the fatigue data set of titanium alloy welded joints is processed by IFANRSR algorithm to obtain the key influencing factors. IFANRSR algorithm combines IFA with neighborhood rough set for attribute reduction. Because the classification accuracy of neighborhood rough set attribute reduction is not high enough, a heuristic algorithm is used to improve it. FA algorithm has the advantages of fewer parameters, easy implementation, and strong global optimization ability, so it is selected as the search strategy. However, FA algorithm also has some disadvantages such as slow convergence speed and easy falling into local optimization. Given these shortcomings, IFA algorithm is proposed by improving position update and step size and then used in the IFANRSR algorithm. Next, the fatigue characteristics domain is divided according to the key influencing factors. Finally, seven S-N curves are fitted according to the fatigue characteristics domain divided. According to the statistical analysis results, the fatigue calculation results will be more accurate by adopting the S-N curve fitting optimization method based on IFANRSR algorithm. It can effectively reduce the dispersion of fatigue data, to improve the accuracy of fatigue life prediction.
A CKNOWLEDGMENTS his research was supported by the National Science Foundation of China under Grant (52005071).
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