PSI - Issue 63

Kamila Kotrasova et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 63 (2024) 27–34


-0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0





20 [cm]

displacement [mm]

Fig. 4. The vertical displacement at the centre mutually perpendicular lines of the square laminate plate with the ply orientation 0/90/0.

The values of the maximum of the vertical displacement of the simply supported square laminate composite plates in depending on the ply orientation in the layers are compared in Fig. 5. The ply orientations of the layers are considered: - 0/90/0, - 90/0/90, - 0/45/90, - 0/-45/90, - 90/45/0, - 90/-45/0. It is evident from Fig. 5 that the ply orientation in the layers has the effect on the behaviour of the multilayered composite plates as well as on their displacements. - 45/-45/45, - -45/45/-45,

displacement [mm]

0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200









0/45/90 0/-45/90 0/90/0 90/0/90 45/-45/45 45/45-45 90/45/0 90/-45/0

ply orientations

Fig. 5. The comparison of the values of the maximum vertical displacement of the layered composite plate in depending on the ply orientation.

4. Conclusion The simply supported square laminate plate L x L : 20 cm x 20 cm with the thickness h = 1 cm with various reinforcements orientation is considered and solved by Finite Element Method. Based on the obtained results, we can state:  the displacement values are dependent on the ply orientation,  the used models do not give the same results of the maximum values of the vertical displacement in direction of z axis in the middle of the layered laminate composite plates for different ply orientation,  the maximum values of the vertical displacement in direction of z axis of the layered laminate composite plates are equal only for the next ply orientation: - 0/90/0 and 90/0/90, - 45/-45/45 and -45/45/-45, - 0/45/90, 0/-45/90, 90/45/0, and 90/-45/90,  the maximum values of the vertical displacement of the layered laminate composite plates arise more with non-symmetrical orientation of reinforcements rather than with symmetrical orientation of reinforcements.

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