Issue 63
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 63 (2023); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture
A. Elbaz, H. Marzouk, Kh. Heiza, O. Elnawawy Structural behavior of damaged reinforced concrete beams under static cyclic loading …………... 257-270 H. A. R. Cruz, L. M. Bezerra, W. V. Silva, R. Silva Numerical analysis of isolated end-flattened steel bars under compression in space trusses …..….. 271-288 S. R. Sreenivasa Iyengar, D. Sethuramu , M. Ravikumar Mechanical, wear, and fracture behavior of Titanium Diboride (TiB 2 ) - Cerium Oxide (CeO 2 ) reinforced Al-6061 hot-rolled hybrid composites …………………………………………. 289-300 V. P. Loginov, V. A. Polyanskiy, Y. A. Yakovlev, A. M. Polyanskiy, V. M. Olekov, G. N. Rostovykh Metallurgical hydrogen as an indicator and cause of damage of rolled steel ………………….... 301-308 A. Brotzu, B. De Filippo, S. Natali, L. Zortea High Entropy Cantor Alloys (HEAs) modification induced by tungsten alligation, heat treatment and deep cold plastic deformation …………………………………………….... 309-320
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