Issue 63
N. Ben Chabane et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 63 (2023) 169-189; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.63.15
induce a brittle fracture. So, besides the intergranular damage mode, there is the presence of fine intragranular ligaments between the intergranular damage zones. 6) An anisotropy that may have contributed to the slant crack development is also observed. 7) The comparison of the numerical predictions with the experimental results of forging of solid and hollow blanks shows the capacity of the two micromechanical models to correctly describe the forming force of the blanks (growth stage of the force). However, the GTN model fails to capture the final failure of the material, unlike the GTN-Xue model which incorporates shear mechanisms.
he authors would like to acknowledge the helpful discussion with Prof. A. Abdul-Latif from Laboratory Quartz, Supmeca - Paris 8 University, FRANCE.
Figure A-1:Flow chart of the model implementation
A PPENDIX A A.1) Mechanical problem he spatial discretization of the mechanical equilibrium equation leads to the matrix system:
int 0 ext MU F F
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