PSI - Issue 62

Antonio Di Pietro et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 62 (2024) 755–762



Antonio Di Pietro et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000

applicable function into .kml file and the consequent upload on a GIS software allows to verify the accuracy of the position against the software indication of the location under verification.

Figure 5. 3D digital model of the Beroide Bridge computed with Agisoft Metashape Pro.

7. Conclusions UAS could revolutionize the knowledge acquisition about existing bridges in the near future, making inspections more efficient and safer for the personnel involved. Furthermore, aerial photogrammetry not only provides high definition images of infrastructures, but, through point cloud processing, can be used to generate 3D numerical models. In this paper an original UAS-based methodology to create digital models of bridges has been presented in detail and applied to a real case. The obtained model represents a valuable starting point for the development of a suitable finite element model that will allow to assess the current structural health status of the bridge and can be updated, if necessary, after future inspections. The presented methodology can be improved by integrating photogrammetry with LiDAR technology which is more effective, and therefore more accurate, in survey areas with high vegetation cover such as those where bridges are located. The resulting methodology can be applied to improve BIM-based models by providing on-site data (i.e., topography, progress updates, site conditions) and update BIM models in real-time, providing a holistic view of the project's status. Acknowledgements This study was supported by Fabre (Research consortium for the evaluation and monitoring of bridges, viaducts and other structures, within the activities of the Fabre – ANAS 2021-2024 research program. Any opinion expressed in the paper does not necessarily reflect the view of the funder. References Bongiovanni, G., Cellilli, A., Clemente, P., Giovinazzi, S., Ormando, C., 2021. Seismic response of a r.c. viaduct during different earthquakes. In: Cunha, A., Caetano, E., (Eds), Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Struct. Health Monit. of Intellig. Infrastr. (SHMII-10, Porto, Jun 2021), ABS_247. Buffarini, G., Clemente, P., Giovinazzi, S., Ormando, C., Pollino, M., Rosato, V., 2022. Preventing and Managing Risks induced by Natural Hazards to Critical Infrastructures. Infrastructures 7(6), 76, MDPI, Buffarini, G., Clemente, P., Giovinazzi, S., Ormando, C., Scafati, F., 2023. Structural assessment of the pedestrian bridge accessing Civita di Bagnoregio, Italy. J. Civil Structural Health Monitoring, Clemente, P., 2020. Monitoring and evaluation of bridges. Lessons from the Polcevera Viaduct collapse in Italy. J. Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 10(2), 177-182, Gaspari, F., Ioli, F., Barbieri, F., Belcore, E., and Pinto, L. (2022). Integration of UAV-Lidar and UAV-Photogrammetry for infrastructure monitoring and bridge assessment, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B2-2022, 995 – 1002 Kim, I.H., Sungsik, Y., Lee J.H., Jung S., Cho S., Jung H.J., 2022. A Comparative Study of Bridge Inspection and Condition Assessment between Manpower and a UAS. Drones, 6(11): 355, LG2020, 2020. Linee guida per la classificazione e gestione del rischio, la valutazione della sicurezza ed il monitoraggio dei ponti esistenti. MIT, CSLLPP, Available online: Mandirola, M., Casarotti, C., Peloso, S., Lanese, I., Brunesi, E., Senaldi, I., 2022. Use of UAS for damage inspection and assessment of bridge infrastructures. Int. Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 72, 102824, Ormando, C., Raeisi, F., Clemente, P., Mufti, A., 2022. The SHM as higher level inspection in the evaluation of structures. In: Pellegrino C. et al. (Eds), Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 200, 452-461,

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