Issue 62

G. Veeresha et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 62 (2022) 385-407; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.62.27


Microstructural studies he microstructure of the cast Al2618 alloy is depicted in Fig. 4 (a), and it is obvious that no B 4 C particles are present. SEM microstructure of Al2618-2 wt. percent 63 micron B 4 C, Al2618-4 wt. percent 63 micron B 4 C, Al2618-6 wt. percent 63 micron B 4 C, and Al2618-8 wt. percent 63 micron B 4 C reinforcement particles is depicted in Fig. 4 (b-e). As demonstrated in Fig. 4 (b-e), the dispersion of 63 micron size B 4 C reinforcement particles with varying wt. percent is almost homogenous throughout the Al2618 matrix. It also demonstrates that there are no gaps, voids, or cold closes. The B 4 C reinforcement particles and the Al2618 alloy matrix have good interfacial bonding. The uniform dissemination of particles, no defects in castings, and good interfacial connection in these Al2618- B 4 C particulate composites, as shown in the above SEM images, increase the complete strength of the MMC and have a significant effect on both mechanical and tribological properties. EDS is an effective and helpful technology for determining components and their relative proportion existence. Chemical analysis can determine the existence of the elements in the sample, but it is difficult to measure the presence of proportion, hence EDS is utilized. The elemental analysis of Al2618 alloy and Al2618 and 8 wt. percent of 63 micron B4C reinforced composites is performed using the EDS technique. T

Figure 5: EDS spectrum of as cast Al2618 alloy.

Figure 6a: EDS spectrum of Al2618-2 wt. % of B4C composites.


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